National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC): NCDRC has dismissed an appeal filed by a woman who failed to submit reasonable explanation for delay of more than three years in filing the said appeal. The case relates to the insurance claim of deceased husband of the appellant who had taken policy of Rs. 25 Lakh from Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. The husband of appellant died due to the injuries received after slipping from stairs but the insurance company repudiated the insurance claim on the ground that death of insured was not on account of accident as there was no post-mortem report and no intimation to Police. The appellant approached NCDRC claiming the insurance amount after an inordinate delay of 1163 days and sought condonation of delay on the ground that she was residing in remote areas and was also having financial constraints. While rejecting the contention of the appellant, NCDRC referred to various judgments of the Supreme Court and held that as there is no sufficient cause or explanation for condonation of inordinate delay of 1163 days, it cannot be condoned. NCDRC further added that as application for condonation of delay has been dismissed, appeal being barred by limitation is also liable to be dismissed. (Bonda Kasi Annapurna v. Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd., First Appeal No. 160 of 2013, decided on May 29, 2014)

To read the full judgment, refer to SCCOnLine

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