Shri Anil Kumar Sinha, appointed as the new Director of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for a period of two years from the date of assumption of charge of the post vice Shri Ranjit Sinha, IPS consequent on completion of his tenure on 02.12.2014.

One comment

  • Respected Sir

    Sir I would like to request you to please consider the following:

    This is Regarding Asaram Bapuji's Case. Sant Asaram Bapuji is a saint who talks about "Indianism". Many times he has presented statements where he spoke about Ram, Raheem, Allah, God, Wahe Guru and all those efforts he has taken where India gets united.

    I doubt the girl. She comes with a mind set putting blames without any testimonials and blaming such a person who has given his own 50 years towards mankind and humanity. Again it's very ridiculous to see he has been arrested immediately last year and till date nothing has been proved and still he has been imprisoned. Sir today he is not well. Our Hindu Saints are suffering please consider this. It's a serious matter.

    Sir our country is a democratic country and I have always realized it as well. Because of this only I have muster my might to ask the Govt., Community, Law also that tomorrow any girl without any testimonials comes and blame our country's supreme powers like Mr.President or Mr.Prime Minister than this simply means that they will be also immediately arrested and imprisoned ???

    Look the girl is a teenager or not. It's a secondary thing. Putting blames on anyone is very easy. I think there should be an immediate change in the Foxpro law also because it's been seen that such laws are more misused politically or for fame or to come in limelight or letting someone's prestige down. I think one should not been imprisoned till something gets proved.

    Last but not the least Sant Sri Asaram Bapuji is an our Indian Saint.
    Sir I am 32 years young and I wanted Yuva generation must be protected with Values. Sir please.

    Sir I know and I hope you will please consider it. I shall be really thankful for your benevolence and patronage throughout my life.


    Shanker Rajput

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