The National Judicial Appointments Commission Act, 2014 received the President’s assent on 31-12-2014. The objective of the Act is to regulate the procedure to be followed by the National Judicial Appointments Commission for recommending persons for appointment as the Chief Justice of India and other Judges of the SC and Chief Justices and other Judges of HC and for their transfers thereto. The Headquarters of the Commission shall be at Delhi.

The Act, interalia, provides provision with regard to

  • Reference to Commission for filing up vacancies
  • Procedure for the selection of the Judge of the SC
  • Procedure for the selection of the Judge of the HC
  • Power of the President to require reconsideration
  • Procedure for transfer of Judges
  • Officers & employees Commission
  • Procedure to be followed by Commission in discharge of its functions

-Ministry of Law & Justice.

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