Interviewed by Ayushi Sinha

1.       How would you like to introduce yourself?

I am a prospective student of masters of law at the Europa Kolleg Hambrug for the academic session 2015-16. I graduated from Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab in the year 2014 with B.A. LL.B degree specialization in business laws and IPR. I have been associated with the office of the Standing Counsel for Union of India in Delhi High Court for last one year and have regularly appeared before various courts and tribunals during this period. My field of practice involves aviation laws and its allied discipline, service matters, matters pertaining to trademark infringement, commercial arbitration. 

2.      When did pursuing law as a career option strike you?

Little did I know that I would desert engineering and join the legal fraternity. After joining my engineering course I realized that my inquisitive and argumentative nature can be well nurtured if I go for legal studies. During that time when I was thinking of dropping a year in lieu of the CLAT preparations, as there was a bleak chance of securing a seat in any of the NLUs in the coming session, by Gods’ grace I received an offer from Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab.

3.      You are a DAAD Scholar. How did you get to know about the DAAD Scholarship? What was your motivation behind going for LL.M. at Europa Kolleg Hamburg, Germany?

I came to know about the scholarship from one of my fellow batch mates, Mr. Mrudul Dadhich who is currently pursuing his maters at Europa Kolleg Hamburg.

My biggest motivation in pursuing LL.M. is to harness the skill of appreciating legal jurisprudence and not to snag good grades. I was in search of a course curriculum that will not fish for the right answer but will provide me with the opportunity to explain my stand, supported by a rational explanation. LL.M. at Europa Kolleg Hamburg, Germany seemed to me to be the right choice.

4.      Please enlighten us as to how does one go about the scholarship. What should the current aspirants concentrate on? 

There are various types of scholarship programs depending upon the mode of funding. Mere scholarship amounts must not influence the applicant’s choice of institution. The course structure and the applicant’s interest must be given due preference.

I would suggest that along with the above-mentioned factors one must also consider the social and economic conditions of the country in which the university is located, accompanied by its ethnic tolerance.

5.      What is the field of specialization that you have chosen for the LLM?  What was the reason behind you choosing the same?

I have opted for the Master’s Programme in European and European Legal Studies from Europa Kollege Hamburg, an academic institution of the University of Hamburg.

There are various reasons that influenced my decision to opt for the masters at Europa Kolleg Hamburg, Germany. In all this while, I have noticed that there is a huge demand of legal experts well versed with the laws of European Union who can provide affordable legal advice to Indian entrepreneurs, operating in European Union. The course structure of Europa Kolleg Hamburg, Germany perfectly aims to teach the European regulatory framework for cross-border business activity. Moreover, my interest in technological and competition laws and the German’s contribution in these disciples influenced my decision to a large extent.

The financial security ensured by the DAAD scholarship left me with no other plausible choice, but to opt for the masters at Europa Kolleg Hamburg, Germany.

6.      What role has your institution played in this great feat?

I have spent half a decade at RGNUL, Punjab. RGNUL has not only assisted me in terms of academics but has taught me various lessons of life. I feel privileged to have come across with great legal luminaries: our first Vice Chancellor, Prof (Dr.) Gurjeet Singh, Registrar Prof. (Dr.) G.I S. Sandhu, Late Prof (Dr.) SRS Bedi and many more.  They are not only great professors but their humility has shaped the university since its inception.


7.   What message would you deliver for the law students?

I am still a law student. However, for my younger colleagues I would suggest to stay connected with the society, apart from moots, internships participate in some social cause with which you feel connected. Life is more than just a resume. Learn whatever you can, be receptive, responsible and carefree.


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