Delhi High Court: In the present case, the plaintiffs (Bharti Enterprises) filed a suit for permanent injunction, rendition of accounts, passing off, delivery up, etc. against the defendants (BHARTI 3G SOLUTIONS LIMITED) from violating and infringing their rights in the trade name/mark “BHARTI” and the mark/logo/label “AIRTEL” as also the plaintiffs’ domain name and for restraining them from passing off their services as that of the plaintiffs’.

The Court issued summons and granted an ex-parte ad interim injunction in favour of the plaintiffs. In furtherance of the Court’s order, the domain name registry agency proceeded to delete the registration of the domain name “” in the name of the defendant and immediately thereafter, the plaintiffs have taken steps to have the captioned domain name registered in their favour.. The suit was thereafter disposed of along with pending application. [Bharti Enterprises v. Bharti 3g Solutions Ltd., 2015 SCC Online Del 14006, order dated 08.12.2015]

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