Indonesia is changing its patent law which will be expected to include:

  • An online system made to quicken the examination process for new applications. Renewals can already be filed online.
  • Anticipated accession of Indonesia to the Madrid Protocol will also shorten the examination period. The current practice is that examination is
  • Publication will directly follow within one (1) month after the application  is filed. The substantive examination will directly follow the publication period.
  • Non-traditional marks such as 3D holograms can now be protected.
  • Renewal will change where 6 months prior to a renewal of a trademark, an application can be filed whereas previously there was no grace period.

There are many other expected changes in the coming months that will affect businesses looking to enter the ASEAN Single community with a population of over 600 million citizens.

Note by Hadromi Adnan Intellectual Property Group. For more information contact

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