The Constitution Day of India is observed/celebrated every year on 26th of November. The socioeconomic and political situation has been necessitated a lot in the Constitution of India by the trinity of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary in the last 66 years. At this juncture it would be appropriate to consider the views of academics and students about the working of three wings under the Constitution for the last 66 years. Hence the Law Commission of India is announcing a Research Paper Contest on the following topics:

  •  The Constitution and working of Legislature;
  •  The Constitution and working of Executive; and
  •  The Constitution and working of Judiciary.

The participants may write Research Paper on any one of the topics related to the above.

Awards: The selected papers shall be awarded ‘Best Paper Award’ on the basis of the decision of a Panel of Experts Constituted by the Law Commission of India.
Participants: The contest of the Research Paper shall be open to the following three categories:

(i) The students pursuing their Under Graduate Course ;
(ii) The students pursuing their Post Graduate Programme / Ph. D. Scholars; and
(iii) The Faculty Members.

Paper Submission:

(i) The length of the paper shall not exceed 4500 words, excluding footnotes and the abstract.
(ii) The submission shall be in MS-Word format (.doc or.docx) and must be typed in A4 paper with one inch margin on all the sides.
(iii)Font size shall be Times New Roman 12, with 1.5 spacing. Font size for the footnotes shall be Times New Roman 10, with 1 spacing.
(iv) Uniform citation shall be followed.
(v) Plagiarism in any form is not permitted.

The participants submitting papers must attach a Plagiarism Report alongside their submission.
All submissions shall be made to Law Commission of India, Ministry of Law & Justice, 14th Floor, HT House, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110 001 or by email of the Commission on or before 15th of November, 2016.


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