An International Conference on Crime and Investigation is being proposed to be organized at School of Law, Galgotias University, at Galgotias University, Campus – I on Saturday 4th February, 2017. The Conference will examine Indian criminal justice administration through the lens of contemporary international development, with an emphasis on the relationship between procedural rights and questions of fair trial, access to justice and quality of justice. The last decade has seen significant change in the pattern of crime and the intensity and impact of the same on the society. Terrorism has become global in nature, and the consequences of the same in terms of loss of life are phenomenal. Organised crime and its ramifications are global. Economic offences are transnational in operations and cyber crimes have no geographical limitation. Therefore the need to combat these emerging crimes, which are bound to increase in number and in frequency, will have to be addressed and tackled. The inadequacy of the existing laws in tackling these modern day crime which transcends jurisdiction is a major challenge. The Conference will usher discussion on these issues and would endeavor to find solutions to these problems by analyzing contemporary developments in different countries. The Conference will have three technical sessions devoted to discuss each of the issue in great depth.
Technical Session: 1 – Reforming the Criminal Justice System
Technical Session: 2 – Crime & Punishment
Technical Session: 3 – Police & Prosecution

Themes & Sub Themes:
Reforming the Criminal Justice System

  • Adversarial & Inquisitorial Model
  • Right to Silence
  • Rights of the Accused
  • Presumption of Innocence and Burden of Proof
  • Justice to victims
  • Fair Trial

Crime & Punishment

  • Overcriminalization
  • Non custodial Sentences
  • Criminal Profiling
  • Plea Bargaining
  • Organized Crime
  • Corporate Crimes
  • White Collar Crimes
  • Terrorism & Economic Crimes
  • Cyber Crime

Police & Prosecution

  • Modern methods of Crime Investigation
  • Need for a New Police Act
  • Private Prosecutions
  • Investigation in Cyber Crimes
  • Guidelines for Investigators
  • Investigator – Prosecutor relationships – Differing International Models
  • Maintaining Ethical Standards: Requirements for Investigators and Prosecutors
  • Role of Prosecutor at Sentencing

Sub-themes are suggestive. The researchers are free to take any topic which is coherent to the main themes.

Call for Papers: Research Papers/Articles and Case Studies from academicians, research scholars and students are invited for presentation in the International Conference. The abstract should be submitted along with the duly filed Registration Form and Fee. There shall be an award for best paper under each of the themes.

Registration Fee: Registration fee is payable by each of the authors of the papers individually and separately in cash or DD, as per due dates. Demand draft to be in favour of “GALGOTIAS UNIVERSITY” payable at New Delhi. Please ensure that you mention the demand draft number in the application form and your name and mobile number at the back of demand draft. The envelope containing Registration form and DD should have the subject as International Conference on Crime & Investigation: Emerging Issues & Challenges in Criminal Justice Administration and shall be addressed to:

Dr. Kiran Rai

Dean, School of Law, Galgotias University,

Plot No.2, Sector 17-A, Yamuna Expressway,

Gautam Buddh Nagar, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308, India

1. Teachers/Academician/ Research Scholars /Govt. Officials/Advocates/NGOs/INGOs Officials from India: Rs. 2000.
2. Students pursuing 5year/3year Law Degree and LLM program (Indian Citizen): Rs.1500.
3. Teachers/Academician/Govt. Officials/Advocates/NGOs/INGOs Officials from outside India: $ 250.
4. Research Scholars/ Post Graduate/LL.B./Intergrated LL.B./S.J.D./J/D Students from outside India: $ 200.
(Registration Fee Waivers for International Scholars are available. Please indicate your interest for a registration fee waiver when submitting your abstract)

Fee for Registration after the due date or on the spot Registration –

Teachers/Academician/ Research Scholars /Govt. Officials/Advocates/NGOs/INGOs Officials from India: Rs. 2500.
Students pursuing 5year/3year Law Degree and LLM program (Indian Citizen): Rs.2000.

Important Dates:

1. Last date for Abstract Submission                                                                                                         : 15/01/2017

2. Last date for Registration  (Submission of Registration Form and remittance of Registration Fee ): 15/01/2017

3. Submission of Final Paper                                                                                                                         : 24/01/2017

4. Conference                                                                                                                                                       : 04/02/2017

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  • Abstract submission via email to :
  • Title of the paper, Name of the author, University/Institution/Organization, Email Address, Mobile Number etc. to be stated clearly on the cover page of the abstract.
  • The abstracts should not exceed 200-300 words, and should contain the basic outlines of the central argument(s) of the paper.
  • Microsoft Word Document Format only.
  • The Editorial Committee of the Conference will review the abstracts.
  • Notifications of acceptance status will be sent by email.

Guidelines for Paper Submissions:

  • Full paper submission via email to:
  • Cover Page: Authors shall mention their names, contact details and affiliations on the cover page of the manuscript.
  • English: British spellings and punctuation conventions.
  • Font Size and Style: Times New Roman, 12 point, for the main text and 10 point for footnotes.
  • Headings: The headings should be used as per the following style:
    • First heading: 12pt, bold, centre
    • Second heading: 12pt, bold, left-aligned
    • Third heading: 12pt, italics, left-aligned
  • Length: Articles should generally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words (including footnotes.)
  • Line Spacing: The line spacing of main text of paper should be 1.5.
  • References: Footnotes should be used and not endnotes.
    • Citation Style : Blue Book 19th edition
  • Review Process: The Editorial Board will review all papers.

For more details, contact:

Dr. Kiran Rai, Dean, Organising Chairperson

Mr. Utkarsh Yadav, Assistant Professor, Organising Secretary
Mr. Pranav Raina, Assistant Professor, Organising Secretary
Ms. Neha Kapur, Assistant Professor, Organising Secretary

Student Coordinators:

Ms. Dify Doyil: Email: ; Contact No: 09911645992

Ms. Shefali Shukla; Email: Contact No: 08447530108

Mr. Rishabh Rathore, Email:; Contact No: 09456917728

Mr. Ashutosh Singh; Email:; Contact No: 09015597144


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