The NALSAR Student Law Review is now accepting submissions for its upcoming Volume XII. NSLR is an annual, student-edited, peer-reviewed law review that is the flagship publication of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India with a fully-supported peer review of manuscripts and a collaborative review and publication process, we remain committed to encouraging and enhancing the quality of student scholarship.
Submissions may be in the form of Articles (5000-8000 words), Notes (3000-5000 words), Case Comments, Legislative Comments or Book Reviews (1500-2500 words).

The word count is inclusive of footnotes.

Submissions are required to be in Times New Roman font, double-spaced and word-processed compatible with Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007.

The main text should be in font size 12 while footnotes in font size 10. Please use only footnotes (and not end-notes or other forms of citation) in the submission.

All submissions must conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) system of citation.

Finally, all submissions are required to carry a 250 word abstract that encapsulates the gist of the paper.
Submissions are to be emailed to under the subject heading ‘Volume XII – NSLR Submission’.

The email should indicate which category the paper is intended for. Further, it should also contain the name of the author, qualifications, title of the manuscript and contact information. Please do not include any information that could identify the author in the manuscript itself. Co-authorship is allowed, provided that all authors are students at the time of submission of the manuscript. All submissions must be submitted electronically.
For more information, please find attached the Submission Guidelines.


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