GNLU in association with Indian Society of Criminology is organising 40th All India Criminology Conference on “Dimensions of Crime and Criminal Justice System: Contemporary Issues and Challenges” scheduled for 19-21 January 2018 at GNLU.

About the Indian Society of Criminology
The Indian Society of Criminology, which was founded in the year 1970 with the objective of advancing the study and application of Criminology and allied sciences for the welfare of society and facilitating co-operation among persons interested in studying crime as a subject. The Society attracted representative membership (presently 1400) spread all over the country and abroad of criminologists, psychologists, sociologists, judges, lawyers, police officers, correctional officers, forensic scientists, social workers and others interested in prevention of crime. The society has been seeking to attain its objective by organising annual conferences, periodical symposia and public lectures with themes of current interest in crime, its prevention and rehabilitation of the offenders, thus involving the people against crime and delinquency and also stimulating interest among the members of the criminal justice system in applying criminological approach to the problem of crime. In the previous annual conferences of the Society conducted at the Universities of various States and National Institutes, issues of national importance in the area of criminal justice system have been discussed with a view to assist the policy makers, legislators and law enforcement and correctional officers towards achieving an increased social defence. After conclusion of each of these conferences, the resolutions passed have been communicated to all the State Governments and the Central Government for their consideration and implementation. It is gratifying to note that the governments have been evincing keen interest in these recommendations and some of them have been implemented.

About the Conference: This Conference is aimed at creating a platform for a scholarly deliberation and development of ideas on Contemporary Issues and Challenges in the area of Crime, Development and Criminal Justice System.
The conference will bring together Educators, Researchers, Academicians and Practitioners in the area of Crime, Criminal Justice Policies, Social Sciences, Members from Judiciary, Police, Prison, Policy Makers, Members from Civil Society and NGOs scholars from Security Industries and Students to explore and discuss opportunities and  foster debate among participants from all over India. Through your participation, you can help developing issues to be explored further by the project and be fed into the policy debate.

Main Theme: Dimensions of Crime and Criminal Justice System: Contemporary Issues and Challenges

· Crime and Development: Economic Offences, Organized Crimes, Terrorism, Media and Crime.
· Crime, Technology and Law: Issues and Challenges in the Investigation of Cyber Crimes, Social Media and Crimes, Application of Technology in Criminal Justice Administration.
· Hate Crimes: Caste Conflicts, Communal Violence, Ethnic Violence, Crimes against Scheduled Tribes, Crimes against LGBT, Religion as a regulatory role, Hate Speech.
· Criminal Justice Policies: Police, Judiciary and other law enforcement agencies, Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice Reforms.
· Prison Reforms: Young offenders, Borstal Schools and other Correctional Programmes, Prisoners’ Rights, Community Based Treatment of Offenders including Probation, Parole, Community Services, Prison Industries, After Care Programmes, Community Participation, other alternative dispute resolution methods and other Restorative Justice Approaches.
· Victim Jurisprudence: Victims of Abuse of Power, Women, Child, and Elderly, Environmental crimes, Reporting Behavior of Victims.

The participants are requested to submit an abstract of a maximum 300 words in Microsoft Word document, Font style –(Italicized) Times New Roman, Font Size – 12, line spacing – Single. The abstract may include keywords (maximum: four). The abstract must include a clear indication of the objectives, methodology, major results, implications, and key references. All abstracts will be subject to blind review and only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected to submit their complete paper for the final presentation. The criteria for evaluation by the reviewers are based on Relevance, Methodology and Originality.
Participants willing to submit abstracts must ll the Abstract Submission Form ( and submit the abstract in .doc/.docx format to  with subject “Abstract Submission” by 11:59 PM, 31st October 2017. Author details must also be mentioned in the body of the email. Author(s) must refrain from revealing their identity in any form in the abstract. Authors whose abstracts are selected will be intimated of the same by 10th November, 2017.
The authors whose abstracts are selected have to pay the registration fees by 10th December, 2017 (for details about registration and fees refer to “REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DETAILS”. The soft copy of the final research paper must be submitted in .doc/.docx and .pdf format to  by 11:59 PM, 10th December 2017 with the subject “Research Paper Submission”.
Apart from Paper Presentation there will also be poster presentation at the conference. For each theme, there will be a poster session to encourage detailed discussion with presenter. Interested individuals can register for poster presentation by filling the Registration Form ( and paying the registration fees. In case of more than one presenter, each co-presenter must register separately. However, an individual cannot participate in both paper presentation and poster presentation.
The presenter needs to send the E-poster (.jpeg format) with the subject “Poster Presentation” to by 11:59 PM, 31st October 2017 with the following details:
• Title of poster and the relevant sub-theme:
• Name of the presenter(s):
• Participant’s affiliation:
• Brief bio-data of the presenter(s):
There will be review of the posters and after approval by the reviewers, selected posters shall be accepted for the final presentation at the conference. This acceptance will be communicated to the presenters by 10th November 2017. The selected participants must then make online payment of registration fees (for details about registration fees refer to “ Registration and Payment Details”).
The participants are supposed to carry the soft copy of their poster in pen drive. It is not mandatory to bring the hard copy of poster. However, if brought for display it should be of 80 x 100 cm dimension. The presenter should be present at his/her poster display area during the entire session to answer any queries and/or facilitate any exchange of ideas regarding their work being displayed. The presenter will be given 5 minutes to explain the poster, if required by the judges. The certificate will be issued only to the presenter and/or co-presenter(s) who attend the conference.
The Indian Society of Criminology awards one Gold medal and one Silver medal for best research papers in the field of Criminology, Criminal Justice and allied fields. The Research paper must be based on scientific empirical studies carried out during 2013 December till 2017 December by young research scholars/students below 35 years of age. The research papers for the ISC Best Research Paper Award should reach the headquarters of ISC on or before 31st December 2017 to the following address or to the email
Address for sending the full scientific research paper:
Dr.S. Latha
Secretary, ISC
Department of Criminology
University of Madras
Chennai 600 005
Ph: 9840247256
Any doubts regarding the ISC Best Research Papers can be claried with the Secretary, ISC through email or phone.

Important timelines:
Last Date for Abstract/Poster submission             :                      31st October, 2017
Communication of Abstract/Poster Acceptance   :                      10th November, 2017
Last Date for Payment of Registration Fees (Early Bird):              20th November, 2017
Last Date for Payment of Registration Fees for Paper & Poster: 10th December, 2017
Last Date for submitting ISC Best Research Paper Award:           31st December, 2017

Kindly find the Conference Brochure for Author Guidelines for submission of Abstract and more details.

Kindly address all submissions and queries to the conference email id:

The delegates are advised to contact the Organising Secretary for all queries and clarications via mail at
• Prof. Arvind Tiwari, President, ISC
• Prof. R. Thilagaraj, Chairman, ISC
• Dr. S. Latha, Secretary, ISC
• Professor (Dr.) Bimal N Patel, Director and Patron in Chief, Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat
• Professor Thomas Mathew, Registrar, Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat
• Assistant Professor, Dr. Saira Gori, Organising Secretary, Gujarat National Law University, Gujarat (+91-812 865 0867)

Student Convenors:
Gourav Manikesh (+91 7043917928)
Maitreya Shah (+91 8320964462)
Vijeta B. Hosamani (+91 7043917930)

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