Tamil Nadu National Law School, Tiruchirappalli in collaboration with Oxford Human Rights Hub, Oxford University, United Kingdom is organising “International Conference on Affirmative Action and the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality” from 22nd- 23rd September, 2018.

This conference proposes to bring together scholars, practitioners and students who work in law, statistics, economics, sociology, anthropology, public policy, gender studies and other social sciences, to explore the link between AA policies that favour women in positions of leadership and achieving target 5.5. of the SDGs. It will examine the following themes:

· Efficacy of Affirmative Action in Achieving Gender Equality and Goal 5 of the SDGs

· Affirmative Action for Women and Human Rights Law

· Reservation Policies v. Preference Policies

· Intersectionality: Situating Caste, Class and Race in the Affirmative Action dialogue

· Affirmative Action in Non-Political Institutions

· Affirmative Action: Strategies for Mobilisation

The conference will be held on 22nd- 23rd September, 2018 at Tamil Nadu National Law University in Tiruchirappalli, India. The conference will run over the 2 days with parallel sessions in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Due to the limited finances available for the conference, participants are expected to secure own funds for airfare and accommodation. Local transportation and meals will be provided to the presenters. Should you require additional assistance, please write to us at affirmativeaction.tnnls@gmail.com.


Call for Papers

19nd December, 2017


Last date for submission of abstracts

28th February, 2018


Intimation of  selection of abstracts

30th March, 2018


Last date for submission of draft papers

1st July, 2018


Conference Dates

22nd- 23rd September, 2018

View the brochure here.



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