GNLU Centre for Law and Economics conducted a “Training Programme on Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics for legal Studies” from 03 – 04 February, 2018. The duration of the course was 12 hours. Dr. Gaurang Rami, Professor of Economics, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University was the resource person for the training programme. The programme witnessed participation from GNLU as well as scholars from outside GNLU. The Programme started with the welcome address by Dr. Ranita Nagar, Director Center for Law and Economics. She emphasized on the significant role played by SPSS Statistics in the analysis of research data and the future benefits associated with the understanding of this software.

The first few sessions of the training programme saw a theoretical lessons to build up a base for the practical learning of SPSS Statistics. The subsequent sessions were basically focused on the practical application of SPSS. The aim of the course was to enable the participants to use and analyse empirical data and give a fruitful conclusion to their research project. It basically focused upon different Data Types, Measures of Location, Variability, Shape and Association between variables, Descriptive Statistics, Multiple Response Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis. Both the days were exceptionally interactive and informative and the method of analysis so learnt by the participants would definitely help them in the conclusive analysis of research data.

For further queries please contact Dr Ranita Nagar on or 8128663923.

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