New Law College, Bharti Vidyapeeth University, Pune is organising 10 days’ Lecture Series on “Gender, Law and Equality: Emerging Issues” from 1st August to 11th of August, 2018. The concept of gender justice and it’s emerging dimensions are gaining in the global world. The lecture series will focus on understanding the laws, it’s procedural intricacies and judicial decisions aimed at gender justice.
The participants after completing the lecture series will be able to:
(a) Understand gender, gender concepts, and definitions relating to it.
(b) To reflect on gender and gender differences and their implications in society.
(c) To become familiar with the national and international legal framework for gender equality.
Registration Date: 24th-28th  July, 2018
Registration fees : Rs 500 to be paid in cash (College Office)
Registration for non-NLC students: The students can  download the registration form from The scanned copy of   the   registration   form   signed   by   the principal, bearing college seal should be sent on  on  or  before  28th July 2018. The registration fee Rs. 500 can be paid in cash by the students on the first day of program for which receipt will be given them.


  • Certificate will be given to the participants.
  • No conveyance will be given to the students.
  • The registration is restricted to 2 entries from each college.
The lecture series will be conducted with inputs from expertise including judges, lawyers, academicians and persons having field experience.
For further information, click HERE.
For Registration Form, click HERE.

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