We are happy to announce that the ‘Mission Sangharsh’ as an student organization of Institute of Law, Nirma University is delighted to launch its first flagship ‘National Essay Writing Competition 2018’ in association with Centre for Social Justice. The Competition aims to mobilize students from all over India to get acquainted with the mission and vision of the organization. This competition aims to intrigue the students in the country of the rampant issues prevailing in India and to gather their inputs in order to take a step in furtherance of curtailing its effect and determining the road map ahead to face the challenges. We encourage students to be creative and suggestive in their approach so that the same can be adopted as a measure in improving the status quo wherever possible.  

We encourage students to be creative and suggestive in their approach so that the same can be adopted as a measure in improving the status quo wherever possible. We invite students from various institutes across the country to become part of Mission Sangharsh and become the torchbearer of the country.


  1. The plight of pavement dwellers: How to shelter the unsheltered – a critique of laws, policies and judicial response
  2. Organ Donation: A chance to live posthumously, legal issues involved
  3. Improper speed breakers: An impediment to safety through the lens of law
  4. Need for awareness on RTI and its enormous potential
  5. Shortage and Wastage at the same time: The Blood donation paradox, legal and ethical issues involved

Word Limit: 2000-3000 words

Registration: Registration Fee: Rs. 200

Mode of Payment: Paytm (+91-8871177637)

To Register, please click here.

Guidelines for submission:

  • The manuscript shall be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words in MS-Word Document. The manuscript should be of 2000 to 3000 words.
  • The contributors are permitted to submit a co-authored entry for the journal provided it should not exceed a maximum of TWO authors in each case. However, both authors are required to pay the individual registration fee.
  • The journal strictly encourages and entertains Original work and any kind of plagiarism shall lead to disqualification of the paper.
  • The contributors to the journal are requested to follow ANY UNIFORM CITATION STYLE for the article.
  • The authors are requested to submit their work in:
    • Times New Roman Font
    • Font Size : 12
    • Font size for footnotes : 10
    • Line Spacing : 1.5
  • All submissions must be accompanied by a COVER LETTER in a separate MS – Word Document with a short introduction of Author in not more than 200 words along with the Title of the Article, Author’s full name, Affiliated Institution/College/University/School details and the Authors’ Contact number and E-mail id.
  • Submission are to be made in electronic form only and are to be sent to missionsangharsh@gmail.com
  • The rest of the submission should not contain any reference to the identity of the author in order to enable anonymous screening and peer-review.
  • All participants should strictly abide by the guidelines. Any deviance should lead to disqualification.

Note: Organizers reserve the right to amend any of the condition of the event.

Important Dates
Registration Deadline: September 30, 2018

Submission Deadline: October 5, 2018

Prize details:

  • Rank 1 & 2 –  Internship with CSJ
  • Rank 1 to 3 –  Publication in Counterview.org by CSJ
  • Rank 4 & 5 –  Exciting Prizes

Contact: Harshit Singh Jadoun: +91-9106715298, 14bal084@nirmauni.ac.in

Amay Jain: +91-7104094937, 14bal085@nirmauni.ac.in
Rohit Jain: +91-8871177637, 15bal097@nirmauni.ac.in

Note: All the news and updates relating to competition will be communicated through the Mission Sangharsh Facebook page.

We look forward to your active participation.


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