With a view to strengthening the roots of democracy, inculcate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of the views of others and to enable the student community to understand the working of our Parliamentary institutions, the Center for Constitutional and Administrative Law has introduced the Intra-University Youth Parliament Competition for the first time in GNLU. Center for Constitutional and Administrative Law (CCAL) invites applications for participation in the First Intra Youth Parliament  which will be held on 28th and 29th September, 2018 [Friday (Post Classes) and Saturday].

Committee: Lok Sabha 

Agenda: Vote of No confidence against the Government

For further information kindly follow our Facebook page for more details and updates : https://www.facebook.com/gnluccal/ 

The following prizes will be distributed to winners:

1. Best Parliamentarian   – Rs. 5000/-

2. High Commendation  – Rs. 3000/-

3. Special Mention.          – Rs. 2000/-

4. Best IP Reporter          – Rs. 500/-

5. Photographer.              – Rs. 500/-

All the participants would be provided with a Participation Certificate.
Kindly apply through following link: https://goo.gl/forms/LTT3JiYmEBs27Jdf2

In case of any queries, contact Manish Soni and Rohin Bhatt

GNLU Centre for Constitutional and Administrative Law (CCAL)
Gujarat National Law University
Mail: ccal@gnlu.ac.in
Website: www.gnlu.ac.in

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