DSNLU is conducting a two day regional workshop on Biological diversity Act on 5th and 6th of January 2019.
About Workshop:
Workshop aims to attract the young professionals and leading students and research scholars from the state of Andhra Pradesh to discuss key issues related to biological conservation and management laws. Following objectives are proposed for the same:
  • To discuss and cross reference on experience with biological conservation in the state of AP
  • To discuss implementation issues of Biological diversity Act with in the state of AP
  • To promote integration of climate change considerations into bio diversity conservation.
  • To disseminate information on new techniques and tools on marine and coastal biological protection.
DATE: 5th and 6th January, 2019
The proposed workshop will  be conducted in regional level. Participants must either be students, Young researcher, scholar, early stage practitioner with less than five years experience in the field of law, agriculture, science, biotechnology and hydrology and must be studying and working in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Participation fee:
For registration, accommodation and food is Rs-1000/- only payable to registrar, DSNLU, Visakhapatnam.
Registration details:
Participants shall register on or before December 20th 2018 by transferring above mentioned fee payable to bank via NEFT only and send the transaction details and send the details to biodiversity@dsnlu.ac.in
Bank Name:  Andhra Bank
Account Type: Savings Account
Account Number: 283710100024089
Account Name: Registrar, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University
Branch: Sabbavaram
IFSC Code: ANDB 000 2837
For further queries, kindly contact
Prof. K. Sudha (Faculty) : +91 9492535618
Ms Bushra Quasmi (Faculty): +91 9953189339

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