High Court of South Africa, Eastern Cape Division: This application was filed before a Single Judge Bench of M Makaula, J., for the reduction of his bail amount from Rs 800,000 to Rs 50,000 or whatever lesser amount the Court deems fit.

Applicant was alleged for racketeering and was arrested for the same. The applicant is seeking the bail amount to be reduced on the ground that the applicant has to pay the fees for legal aid. If the bail amount is not reduced his right to receive legal aid would be infringed. Applicant showed precedent where bail was reduced on the same ground but the court found the cases not to be of any assistance. Price, counsel on behalf of applicant submitted that applicant has complied with the obligations associated with bail and if bail amount was reduced it would not cause any prejudice to State.

High Court was of the view that the attorneys and the advocate’s profession have stringent rules and officers of Court should not allow their personal interests to conflict with the interests of their client. The legal representatives will have to deeply consider their present position. Accordingly, this application was dismissed. [Julian Brown v. State, CC 18 of 2017, dated 14-12-2018]

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