NLU Delhi

Centre for Human Right and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS), National Law University Delhi in collaboration with National Academy of Law Teachers will be organizing an International Conference on ‘Understanding Nationalism and Patriotism in the Contemporary World’. The same will be conducted 2nd-3rd March 2019, in National Law University Delhi.

The objective of the conference is to delve into various shades of nationalism. It plans on discussing both, positive and negative sides of nationalism in its contemporary, sociological and historical context, to explore its present and its future scope. It also aims to provide a platform, to various thinkers across the nation, to provide their input and understanding of nationalism and patriotism as distinguished socio-political phenomena.

The sub-themes of the conference range from Ideological Shades of Nationalism to Globalization and Nationalism. Well researched papers have been invited, and the same, after qualifying the set standards, may be published. Research papers shall be submitted to-

For more information regarding registration and details of the research paper submission process, you may visit the brochure in the link, click HERE

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