Call for papers for “New Directions, New Voices in Family Law in India”, a conference organised by NLSIU, Oxford University and Melbourne Law School on  5-6 July 2019, Bangalore, India.

A great deal of anticipation and anxiety surrounds family law in India in the present moment. For example, the recent Supreme Court of India decision in Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India, (2018) 10 SCC 1, concerning Section 377, created the hopeful possibility of wide-ranging changes in Indian family law responsive to LGBT lives. This same opinion has also instigated worries about what sort of anti-LGBT arguments will be disseminated in response to these possibilities. Similarly, the discussion surrounding the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Shayara Bano v. Union of India, (2017) 9 SCC 1, concerning triple talaq, signalled the Court’s commitment to enforcing constitutional guarantees about equal citizenship for women, while also suggesting that society-at-large remains uncomfortable with divorce in general.
The conference “New Directions, New Voices in Family Law in India” aims to explore emerging dimensions and tensions in discussions surrounding family law in India. While there is a great deal of continuity between historic and contemporary issues in family law in India, one significant goal of this conference is to explore and discuss newer family law developments, as well as neglected aspects of older (and continuing) family law issues. Another important goal of this conference is to encourage newer voices in the family law discussion—voices who can bring to the forefront neglected issues in and perspectives on family law issues in India, whether contemporary or historical.
For more information on the same, kindly click on this link.

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