Central Information Commission (CIC): A Bench comprising of Divya Prakash Sinha, Information Commissioner allowed an appeal and directed the CPIO to adequately liaise with the officers to carry out his duties in the present matter.

In the pertinent case, the appellant has sought details of the sanctioned strength of SAS Grade, JAG, Senior-Scale Grade, Junior Scale Grade and Group-B in legal cadre of Indian Railways from the year 2000 to 2016. Details of the incumbents, names and details of the working place and revised list of the details against each grade issued in the light of orders of CAT were also sought for. The respondent submitted in return that since the seniority list of gazetted employees is made by Zonal Railways while list of non-gazetted employees is made by Railway Board, therefore consolidated information was not available.

The Court directed the CPIO to seek the assistance of the concerned holder of information and provide it directly to the appellant free of cost within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order. [Kasi Vishwanathan v. CPIO, 2019 SCC OnLine CIC 27, Order dated 06-02-2019]

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