Justice H.L. Dattu, Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission, India continues to remain a Member of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, GANHRI, Bureau. His position was ratified during the Annual Meeting of the GANHRI General Assembly at Geneva, Switzerland on the 5th March, 2019, wherein he is leading an NHRC, India delegation comprising Mr Justice P.C. Ghose, Member and Mr Jaideep Govind, Secretary General of the Commission.

Justice Dattu was appointed to this position in 2016 after emerging as the unanimous choice of the NHRIs from the Asia Pacific region. He is representing the Asia Pacific region along with the representatives of three more NHRIs in the region at the GANHRI Bureau meetings. Justice Dattu’s vast experience and legal expertise is considered useful in giving a shape to the approach to the GANHRI on the human rights issues being faced by the international community.

The GANHRI Bureau is an important human rights body, which serves as the Management Committee of the GANHRI. The GANHRI Bureau implements all the decisions of the GANHRI General Meetings and directs the operations of the GANHRI between these meetings.

The GANHRI Bureau consists of sixteen, ‘A’ status NHRIs, four from each region, namely, Americas, Europe, Africa and the Asia-Pacific. Besides the Annual General Meetings, the NHRC, India has been regularly taking part in its activities as an active Member of the GANHRI.


One comment

  • Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (G.A.N.H.R.I.) may please address the issue of International Parental Child Abductions across the world by which innocent children have been subjected to physical, mental, emotional, psychological stresses throughout their life as they are severely and seriously constrained being deprived of care, company, comfort and communication of the left behind parents while single parenting does not provide their balanced and holistic growth and development. India has attained dubious distinction in the world for being the topper next only to Mexico in the number of transnational parental child abductions from abroad. This stigma deserves to be rooted out for India.

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