Statement Issued by Editors Guild of India

The Editors Guild of India is deeply distressed over the Meghalaya High Court’s order in a contempt case against The Shillong Times including its Editor and Publisher for reporting the proceedings of the Court. The order, which among other things imposes a fine along with a threat of imprisonment and a ban on the publication, is intimidatory and undermines press freedom. It is ironical that the judiciary which should uphold press freedom has instead issued an order that militates against freedom of expression. The Guild urges the judiciary to exercise its constitutional powers with utmost caution and care so that the role of a free media in a democracy is duly respected.

[Dated: 11-03-2019]

Editors Guild of India

 Please follow the link for the High Court Order:

Megh HC | Editor and Publisher of Shillong Times guilty of contempt; to pay a fine of Rs 2 Lakhs each or face ban

One comment

  • Shut up and listen – a bitter experience I too have faced, with a consumer forum, but I am helpless because I have to be in the proceedings of a consumer case.

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