The infamous debate between Orissa and West Bengal around the origination of Rasgulla put into limelight Geographical Indications (GIs), a less debated form of IPR in comparison to popular forms like Patents, Copyright and Trademarks. India has recognized the strength of its cultural and agricultural uniqueness by giving Geographical Indications’ status to more than 300 products across the country making GI a buzzword. However, besides its strong points the current GI framework of India suffers from loopholes that call for a change. Time is ripe to discuss the law of Geographical Indications and understand its nuances as well as loopholes so that a better system is in place.
In light of this, GNLU Centre for IPR invites all interested faculty members and students to a Special Lecture titled ‘Geographical Indications in India- Analysis of law through the journey of Assam’s Muga Silk’ by Prof. Dr. Prabuddha Ganguli, CEO/ Adviser of Vision IPR. He is a leading international expert on IPR and a Consultant to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) for IPR capacity building programmes in developing countries and an elected Fellow of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences. Dr. Ganguli has been instrumental in bringing awareness regarding Geographical Indications to grass-root stakeholders of Muga Silk in Assam.
Click HERE for WIPO link giving further details on Dr. Ganguli.
The lecture will be held on 19th March, 2019 from 03:00 P.M. to 04:30 P.M. The venue for the same will be announced later.
Seats are limited to 40 participants.

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