Himachal Pradesh National Law University-Shimla And Grand Academic Portal-India organise International Conference on HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN DIGNITY: 70 YEARS OF UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS November 9th and 10th, 2019

Concept Note 

Human rights are intimately related to the notion of human dignity. Both notions are connected in such a way that one cannot be understood without the other. The importance of human rights and the requirement to respect everyone‘s rights is based on the notion of human dignity, In that sense, human dignity is considered to be the foundation of human rights, This notion advocates of human rights and different social movements resort to human dignity in older to justify their claims and their actions.

Human rights are often defined as entitlements that human beings possess just by virtue of their inherent dignity. This conceptual link between human rights and inherent dignity is as popular as it is unhelpfuL It is often argued that internationally recognised human rights are common to all cultural traditions and adaptable to a great variety of social structures and political regimes Such arguments confuse human rights with human dignity All societies possess conceptions of human dignity, but the conception of human dignity underlying international hUman rights standards requires a particular type of “liberal” regime.

For decades the global debate over human rights has been a dialogue of the deaf. This interminable argument pits advocates of civil and political rights against proponents of economic and social rights. The former take the classic liberal position that individual freedom is the foundation of liberty and, accordingly, that the only fundamental rights are “negative’ ones that constrain state power.

This longstanding debate dates from the founding of the United Nations at the end ofWorld War II. Following the horrors of fascism and especially the Holocaust] all UN member states were committed to the cause of “human rights.” As the debate was more about the content of such rights, the answer, as it emerged in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), was a little bit of everything. On 10 December 1948 the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicise the text of the Declaration and “to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the cornerstone for modern day human rights within the framework of the United Nations

This international conference aims at discussing the following questions in a larger perspective of the Human Rights and human Dignity:

  • is human dignity a truly universal concept?
  • ls dignity the property of individuals only, or of communities, too?
  • Does ‘dignity‘ actually engender “human rights,” or endanger them?

Sub Themes: 

  • Human Rights here and Now
  • Freedom, Justice, Peace, and Human Rights Today
  • Legal theories and practices
  • Conveniences’, ‘Luxuries’, and Human Rights
  • Protection of Human Dignity
  • Human Rights: Local v/s Global
  • SexualOrientation and Gender Identity
  • Moral, Legal and NaturalRights
  • Human Trafficking
  • Indigenous Issues in Human Rights and Human Dignity
  • Gender Equality as a new Human Right
  • Religion, Culture and Human Dignity
  • Hate Speech and Young Media
  • Human Dignity as a bas’s for International Law
  • Rights of Persons with Disability
  • Human Dignity and Justice
  • Children’s Rights
  • Human Dignity as a benchmark of Social Development
  • Role of NGOs in Protecting Human Rights
  • Dignity and Social Solidarity
  • Other areas not included above


  • The Himachal Pradesh National law University (H PNLU, Shimla):
  • GrandAcademic Portal
  • Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL)Punjab
  • Universitas Hindu – Denpasar-Bali Indonesia

Abstract Submission Guideline

We invite original unpublished research paper on the pertaining themes and sub themes mentioned above.

  • Please send your abstracts on gaphpnlu2019@gmail.com
  • The subject line of the email should gap-hpnlu 2019
  • The abstract should have 300-350 words with 4 5 keywords
  • The name of the author and affiliation should be clearly mentioned
  • Please use Times New Roman, Font 12, 1.5 spacing
  • Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in the Open Access Peer Reviewed ISSN Global Journal of GAP (www.gapjournals.org)

Paper Submission in the Conference

Participants can submit the following academic works in the conference

  • Research paper
  • Case Studies
  • Analytical Papers
  • Review of Published works
  • Survey result and data analysis

All accepted papers can be presented orally or by the poster presentation in the conference

Best Paper Award 

The papers are to be sent for expert review. Each track wise best paper award will be given to participant.

Important Dates

Abstract submission     30 August 2019

Review of the abstract  15 September 2019

Registration                   30 September 2019

Full Paper Submission  15 October 2019

Registration Charges

For Academia members- Rs. 3000/{After 30 Sept. Rs.4000-)

For Industry Patrons      -Rs. 4000/(After 30 Sept. Rs. 5000-)

For Foreign Delegates.   -$ 100/

For Research scholars.   – Rs.1500/

 For GAP NGO Life Members   No Registration fees

Limited Accommodation First come first serve basis Contact : Mr. Chanchal Kumar Singh 8076153198

Payment Details :

Name of Account : Gyan Adhyayan Parmpara Charitable Trust | Name of Bank : State Bank of India | Branch Name : Gujarat University, Ahmedabad

Account Number : 37766176469 | IFSC Code:SBlN0002651 | MICR:380002017 | Branch Code 2651

Conference Convenor 

Mr. Chanchal Kumar Singh- Assistant Professor of Law Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla (HP)

Email : cksingh.du@gmail.comchanchalsingh@hpnlu.ac.in

Phone Number : +91 – 8076153198

For more details, please refer to CFP- Conference BROCHURE ck (1)

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