Proposal for appointment of following one Advocate and seven Judicial Officers, as Judges of the Bombay High Court


1 Shri Amit B. Borkar,


2 Shri M.G. Sewlikar,
3 Shri V.G. Bisht,
4 Shri B.U. Debadwar,
5 Ms. M.S. Jawalkar,
6 Shri S.P. Tavade,
7 Shri N.R. Borkar, and
8 Shri S.D. Kulkarni

For purpose of assessing merit and suitability of the above-named recommendees for elevation to the High Court, Collegium have carefully scrutinized the material including the observations made by the Department of Justice as well as complaints placed in the file against some of the above-named recommendees.

On the basis of interaction and having regard to all relevant factors, the Collegium is of the considered view that (1) Shri Amit
B. Borkar, Advocate and S/Shri (2) M.G. Sewlikar, (3) V.G. Bisht, (4) B.U. Debadwar, (5) Ms. M.S. Jawalkar, (6) S.P. Tavade, (7) N.R. Borkar, and (8) S.D. Kulkarni, Judicial Officers are suitable for being appointed as Judges of the Bombay High Court.

The Collegium has duly taken note of the observation made in the file that three Judicial Officers viz. S/Shri B.U. Debadwar, S.P. Tavade, and S.D. Kulkarni had crossed the prescribed age limit of 58-1/2 years on the date of vacancies against which their names have been recommended.

In this regard, while approving the proposal for their elevation we have taken into account the fact that Bombay High Court is grappling with huge pendency of civil as well as criminal cases, as it is functioning with 67 Judges against the total Judge-strength of 94 (constituting about 29 per cent vacancies). 

In view of the above, the Collegium resolves to recommend that (1) Shri Amit B. Borkar, Advocate and S/Shri (2) M.G. Sewlikar, (3) V.G. Bisht, (4) B.U. Debadwar, (5) Ms. M.S. Jawalkar, (6) S.P. Tavade, (7) N.R. Borkar, and (8) S.D. Kulkarni, Judicial Officers, be appointed as judges of the Bombay High Court. 

Supreme Court of India

[Collegium Resolution dt. 26-09-2019]

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