National Law University and Indian Society of Victimology have invited papers for the 4th Issue of Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice. This issue is likely to be published in May, 2020. The paper can cover any theme of the author’s interest and/or expertise, as long as it conforms to the mandate of the journal. The journal is published by Sage Publications and it will be an International Journal devoted to the studies in Victimology and related interdisciplinary areas.

The submissions may include explorative articles, evaluative notes, book reviews, critical comments and original research findings among eminent jurists, academicians, victim service facilitators, policy makers, scholars and students in the subject field of Victimology in a broad sense of discipline visualizing greater understanding of victims, victims’ rights, victimization, victim and offender relations, institutional functioning and relevant issues.

The Journal invites insights and methodological based research outputs of relevant disciplines including psychology, psychiatry, sociology, social work, economic, history as well as law, legal and political theory pertaining to interests of victims all over the world. The conceptual based research writings to be submitted shall be peer-reviewed by the editorial board members around the world.

For more details, please refer to the call for papers.

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