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What is the procedure to be followed by Municipal Corporations for demolishing an illegal construction? SC elucidates

Supreme Court: Holding that Geopmapping is the answer to issue of the illegal constructions, the bench of Deepak Gupta and Aniruddha Bose, JJ has made it obligatory for all Municipal Corporations in the State of Maharashtra where the population is 50 lakhs or more to get geomapping and geo­photography of the areas under their jurisdiction done within a period of one year. Geomapping will also be done of an area of 10 Kms. from the boundary of such areas.

Noticing the fact that when people raise illegal constructions it is claimed that the said construction has been existing for long, the Court said,

“If on Google Maps one can get a road view, we see no reason as to why this technology cannot be used by the municipal corporations.”

The Court said that geomapping can be done by satellite, drones or vehicles. Once one has the whole city geomapped it would be easy to control illegal constructions. It, hence, directed the State of Maharashtra to ensure that sufficient funds are made available to the municipal corporations concerned and this exercise should be completed within a period of one year from the date of this order.

Here are some of the other important directions issued by the Court in case of any illegal construction,

[Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai v. Sunbeam High Tech Developers Pvt. Ltd., 2019 SCC OnLine SC 1389, decided on 24.10.2019]

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