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Updating Company Law collection, EBC brings you — Introduction to Company Law — 12th Edn. – 2019 [Covers significant legal rulings in company law]

Introduction to Company Law by Dr. Avtar Singh, written in a simple and lucid style is designed to provide introductory knowledge of company law. The book explains the provisions of the Act topic-wise, avoiding a section-wise narration; however, as far as possible, the statutory sequence of provisions has been adhered to within the framework of a topic-wise treatment. 

The current edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with all the statutory and case law developments. It covers the amendments made by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 and the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017. Further, the book includes the Companies (Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2019 as an appendix. The work includes all the important legal rulings in the field of company law.

Also included are additional learning resources on 

Access to important case law as indicated by Case Pilot TM .

Discussion Forum TM  to post comments, discuss and explore ideas.

SCC Online® Blog to stay updated on recent happenings of the legal world.

Useful Links TM get access to articles, updates and host of other learning resources.

This book is indispensable for students of law, commerce, MBA, CA, ICWA, CS, etc.


 “This is a classic commentary on company law by the eminent author Dr. Avtar Singh, a well-researched reference to leading Indian cases.” 

          —Gujarat Law Reporter

“This book has been designed to cater to the needs of commerce and law students and is expected to be beneficial to the students studying professional courses.”                            

          The Management Accountant

“An indispensable book for the students of law, commerce and students of MBA, CA, ICWA, CS, etc.”                                                                  

           —Kerala Law Times

“This handy work has been prepared to meet the needs of students who wish to study through a concise yet easily comprehensible book.”       

          —Business Manager

Buy Your copy Here: Introduction to Company Law by Avtar Singh

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