The Indian Constitutional Law Review is inviting papers for its Tenth Edition. We would appreciate it greatly if you could publish the following on your website:

About the Journal: Indian Constitutional Law Review (ICLRQ) ( is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published by the Publishing Unit of AgradootWeb Technologies. ICLRQ is published with an intention to promote and contribute to the growth of Constitutionalism in India. It revolves around the issues pertaining to the wide sphere of Constitutional Law and within its array, covers all areas of law through its interactions with them.

The manuscripts must conform to the Submission Guidelines.

Themes/Topics for Submission: The submissions shall revolve around contemporary happenings and/or any relevant issue in relation to Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and must establish its relevance to the area of study that the journal undertakes.

Categories: Submissions may be in the form of articles, case comments or research papers. The word limit shall be as follows:

  • Articles – 5000 words
  • Case Comments – 4000 words
  • Research Papers – 5000 words

Manuscript Guidelines: Please format submissions according to the guidelines mentioned here. Some additional instructions are set out below:

  • Abstract is mandatory for Research Papers and Articles but not mandatory for Case Comments, and the same must not exceed 400 words.
  • Co-authorship up to two co-authors is permissible.
  • Submissions must be original and not published or undergoing consideration for publication anywhere else.
  • Submissions not in accordance with the submission guidelines and the additional instructions as set out above are liable to be summarily rejected.

Submission Procedure: Please send your submissions only via e-mail on, and the subject line should be in the following format, as a matter of convenience:

“Submission for Edition X | [Title of Manuscript] | [Type of Submission] | [Name of the Author]”

For e.g., Submission for Edition X | The Transformative Constitution | Article | Rahul Jain

The submissions must be in the MS Word (.doc, .docx) format and must contain two documents: one bearing the Abstract and the Manuscript itself and the second containing a cover letter with the following details:

  1. Names of Author(s)
  2. Email Address & Postal Address
  3. Mobile Phone Number
  4. Name of Institution & Year of Study
  5. Address of Institution
  6. Title, Subtitle of Manuscript & Category of Submission

Concluding Notes:

  • Please visit for more details
  • Last date to submit: 25th May 2020, 23:59 hrs 
  • Submissions to be sent to
  • Submission Guidelines: available here

Contact Editor-in-Chief at

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