Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Additional guidelines on rational use of Personal Protective Equipment (setting approach for Health functionaries working in non-COVID areas)

This guideline is for health care workers and others working in Non COVID hospitals and Non-COVID treatment areas of a hospital which has a COVID block. These guidelines are in continuation of guidelines issued previously on ‘Rational use of Personal Protective Equipment’ ( This guideline uses “settings” approach to guide on the type of personal protective equipment to be used in different settings.

Rational use of PPE for Non COVID hospitals and Non-COVID treatment areas of a hospital which has a COVID block.

The PPEs are to be used based on the risk profile of the health care worker. The document describes the PPEs to be used in different settings.

To access the detailed notification, please click the following link:


Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

[Dated: 01-05-2020]

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