F. No. 61(835)/DD(CPU)/DWCD/Vol-V/2016-17/ 2418-50.— In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause (a) of Sub-Section 2 of Section 17, Section 18 & Sub-Section(1) of the Section 19 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 (4 of 2006), read with the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Notification F.No.U-11030/1/2007/UTI dated the 15th January, 2008,

Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to appoint Anurag , as Chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights. The Chairperson shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of Notification in the Official Gazette.

Department of Women and Child Development

Notification dt. 03-07-2020

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