Delhi High Court: A Division Bench of D.N. Patel, CJ and Prateek Jalan, J. requested Centre to consider the grievances with regard to disaster management operations in NCR with emphasis on synchronization of the work under the National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985 and the National Disaster Management Act, 2005 under a single nodal agency.

Present Public Interest Litigation was filed with following prayers put forward:

  • Issue directions to the centre to appoint a single nodal agency to carry out disaster management operations in the National Capital Region by having powers under the NCRPB Act and DM Act
  • Issue directions to Centre to implement the Regional Plan 2021 under the National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985 specifically measures in relation to medical infrastructure and disaster management;
  • Issue directions to Centre/District/State authorities of NCR Region to work in tandem and provide a single set of parameters under a common COVID-19 response plan for the entire NCR region.
  • Issue directions to Centre and other agencies concerned to effectively implement the Regional Plans under Section 7 of the NCRPB Act.
  • Issue directions to the Central / State Governments & District level authorities of NCR region to work in tandem and provide a single set of parameters / directions / guidelines to implement the Study on Health Infrastructure in NCR as published by the NCRPB in December 2015 on its website, which has highlighted several other key gaps in the health infrastructure of the NCR region, in addition to the disparity in terms of health infrastructure between Delhi and other NCR region, resulting in disharmonious development of NCR region resulting in day to day difficulties being suffered by the citizens of the country staying in NCR region outside of Delhi area but contributing to the revenue generation of Delhi.

Petitioner’s counsel submitted that it would suffice for the disposal of the PIL, if the same would be treated as a representation by the respondents and decided in accordance with law and also keeping in mind the provisions of National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985 to be read with National Disaster Management Act, 2005.

Bench requested the respondent authorities to consider the grievances as pointed above specially the synchronization of the work under the National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985 and the National Disaster Management Act, 2005 under a single nodal agency.

Court added that the said exercise will be carried out as early as possible and practicable.

Petition was disposed of in the above view. [Arjun Narang v. UOI, WP (C) 4115 of 2020, decided on 10-07-2020]

One comment

  • Sir,
    The Petitioner as myself Shri Ram Gopal ,Retired Assistant Engineer, All India Radio New Delhi has filed the case against the O.A. No. 2793/ 2015 in Principal Bench ,Central Administrative Tribubnal New Delhi in the year2015 , filed on dated 31/07/2015. I am a retired employee .as senior citizen person of about 66 years age ,who has also filed M.A. NO.1651/2019 and M.A No. 405/2020 in respect of above said O.A. for an earliest hearing in the honourableTribunal, but it is found that the said O.A,which continuously is on the panel of hearing, is under same status and has not been attended for hearing the matter as well as petitioner suffering for its judgement. I have removed the learned Counsel on behalf of myself and prayed to the honourable Tribunal through filing the M.A. to pursue the matter at my own level,which pending since 11th, March,2020. Since, no any action has been taken by the honourable Bench of the Tribunal New Delhi due to which the petitioner is continued to be victimised at the hand of the legal system till yet ,as no hearing is made from the filing of O.A.No. 2793/2020.
    Since Tribunal was established for providing the speedy decision to the petitioners but it has become a legal system of getting victimised the petitioners through Administrative Tribunal itself .I would be kind enoungh to your highness ,if kindly an intervention may be carried out in the above matter ,so as to enabling the petitioner to seek justice from the honourable Tribunal New Delhi.ThankingYou.

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