About – Centre for Innovation Research and Facilitation (CIRF) in Intellectual Property for Humanity and Development (IPHD) of CNLU, calls for original and unpublished research Papers, for the publication in e-Journal of the Centre namely: ‘JAIRIPA'( Journal of Academic Innovation & Research in Intellectual Property Assets).,on the issues related to copyright, Patents, Trade Marks, Geographical Indications, Plant Varieties
and Farmer’s Rights, Bio Diversity, Lay out design and integrated circuits, Industrial Design, Traditional  Knowledge, on current issues.
 It is half-yearly e- Journal, Vol.-1, Issue-1, 2020 (January- June). It will have open access to all the concern for Common Good. The ISSN will be obtained later as per Rule.This journal is Academic in Nature. It will have Sections: Editorial, Original Research papers/ Articles, Case Reviews, Book reviews/ monograph, Report on Thesis,
on Intellectual Property Assets.
Submission Guidelines-
The Authors (Academicians, Professionals, Students, Activists, Entrepreneurs, etc), National or international are invited to contribute original Paper.
Word limit-  4000- 6000 words
Style- Times New Roman, 12 font,
Citation guidelines -Blue book citation, footnotes at the bottom of the pages, references at the end .
Plagiarism-  The paper must have similarities/plagiarism check, and not more than 10%.
The Paper may be sent on the Email: cirf.journal@gmail.com.
The last date of submission of paper/articles: 25th October 2020.
Contact details – Prof. Dr. Subhash Chandra Roy
Director &  Chief Editor (JAIRIPA)
CNLU, Patna.
Mobile No.-+91-7667074426.

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