SAMA is an Online Dispute Resolution platform, recognized by the Department of Justice, Government of India, in accordance with Regulations 3(2) and 14 of NALSA (Lok Adalat) Regulations, 2009. Operational since 2015, SAMA has also been recognized by the Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India and has been providing end to end services on online negotiation, mediation, conciliation, and arbitration. We have been associated with private banks and eCommerce companies, working on handling loan disputes, Section 138 matters, family issues, etc. With over 650 mediators/arbitrators (Retd Judges), and 850 case managers in 85+ cities across India, we have been striving to provide justice to as many people as possible.

In the last two months, we have worked on organising e-Lok Adalat in Delhi and Rajasthan working on 55,700+ cases, disposing off over 32,000 cases with settlement amounts totalling to over 109 crores.

We will be working along with Kerala State Legal Services Authority (KELSA) on our next chapter of Online Lok Adalat which shall be conducted from 20th September to 17th October.


In this regard, we would like to open applications for case managers from across Kerala, who can converse in English and Malayalam. Interested students from the 2nd year to the 5th year batches can apply here by the 10th of September, 2020. Applicants are also required to send their CV at


The work shall include coordinating with judges and parties. You will be required to conduct pre-sittings as a major part of your work, giving you the exposure of handling cases on a first hand basis.

Case Managers will not only help the state and litigants in reducing their burden of pending cases, but shall also be given work experience certificate for the time period.

Contact us

For any queries, please contact Rohit Sharma (Case Management Coordinator, Team SAMA):

Email assistance:

WhatsApp assistance: +91-8697581888.

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