The NLAT will be conducted in three sessions. This was updated in the  FAQ section of the official website .

The new insertion states that:

“UG NLAT 2020 will be conducted in three sessions in line with other large examinations. It is possible that in spite of all efforts to maintain equivalence among various question papers, the difficulty level of the question papers administered in different sessions may not exactly be the same.”

To resolve this issue, NLAT has come up with the following solution

“To overcome this, a Normalization procedure will be used to compile law scores across batches and ensure a level playing field where candidates are neither benefited nor disadvantaged due to the difficulty level of the exam.”

NLAT is yet to notify the timings of the UG exam.

NLAT has notified the protocol for monitoring the exam, NLAT is a home based test except for students who opt to take it at a centre. The notification states the following

  1. The proctor will verify the identity of candidates by checking government IDs. In case of PWD candidates both candidate’s and scribe’s identity will be verified. In case of impersonation, the proctor will not allow the impersonator to start the exam.
  2. In case the candidate is in inappropriate surroundings or seems to be getting external help  Proctors will send this type of messages to such candidates:

a. “Please sweep the camera in a circle around the place you are taking the assessment” and / or: “Please tilt the device/ keyboard you are using for the assessment”.

b. Candidates to show a 360-degree view of the entire room by turning on a webcam (laptops/desktops) or front/ selfie camera (as directed by proctor) (mobile devices)/ tilt the device/ keyboard, as instructed.

If any unauthorized person is found then proctor can terminate the exam immediately. Candidates will get 45 seconds to reply to proctor’s instructions, failing which the exam will be terminated. Additional 10 seconds can be granted at proctor’s discretion.

  1. Candidates will be logged out of exam after 5 attempts of trying to switch window ie. trying to access any other window except the test window.
  2. If the candidate’s face cannot be detected, then a warning will be sent and if the candidate does not reappear within 45 seconds then his exam will be terminated. If the candidate is talking or making gestures, then also warning will be given and exam terminated if the student does not comply.
  3. If any other person or device is detected in vicinity then a warning will be sent and if the person does not leave immediately or that device is removed  then the exam will be terminated.
  4. If the candidate is seen wearing headphones, earphones or bluetooth devices then a warning will be sent and the exam terminated if the candidate does not comply. These devices can be plugged in for microphone purposes but the candidate should not be wearing them
  5. If there are simultaneous login attempts from various devices

a. Proctor will observe picture of candidates from all devices

b. If observed that someone other than the candidate is logging in then the exam will be terminated immediately.

c. If the same person is observed in all devices, the proctor will notify the super proctor who will seek clarification and disqualify upon his discretion.

In case of situations such as internet failure/ power failure, the assessment system may permit the candidate to continue answering the question paper in events of internet failure; however, this is subject to the Proctor’s discretion, and subject to the candidate’s system re-connecting to the examination interface within the time and in the manner stipulated in the on-screen instructions and the Candidate Manual which will be provided to candidates in advance of the exam

The entire notification can be read here.

Also read

Facing backlash on social media, NLSIU is devising ways to make NLAT 2020 more accessible for candidates

NLSIU all set to conduct separate entrance test for the academic year 2020-21, CLAT scores not to be considered 

Technical requirements for NLSIU’s NLAT exam to be held on 12th September

NLAT| Latest Press Releases by NLSIU, including instructions for PWD candidates [Key Highlights]

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