Think India is a pan-India initiative to bring together the best talents of the country and to infuse in them a ‘Nation First’ attitude, aimed at developing the nationalistic spirit and inspiring young India to be of service to society. It aims to bring the best minds of the country and the Leaders of Tomorrow on one platform to discuss and deliberate upon issues of national importance.

Think India organizes a National Symposium every year since 2017 on Landmark Cases of the concerned year to stimulate legal awareness in Law students, Researchers and Professionals. We are pleased to announce 4th edition of its flagship program 4th National Symposium on Landmark Judgments of 2020 scheduled for 9th-10th January 2021.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd National Symposiums organized in the past talked about sensitive issues like Right to Privacy, Triple Talaq, Seeking vote in name of religion, Marital Rape, Decriminalization of Section 377 of IPC, Gender equality and Adultery, Live streaming of Court proceedings, Ayodhya Verdict, CJI’s office under the purview of RTI Act, NRC (National Register for Citizens) of India, and so on. The purpose behind organizing all the previous editions of national symposium is to explain the law interpreted by Courts in India. It aims to bring conceptual clarity in the young minds about the law and impact of judicial pronouncements. Only the conceptual clarity of such issues will enable young minds to form their own opinions and to achieve the basic legal awareness one must have.

The 4th National Symposium on Landmark Judgments of 2020 aims to discuss the following landmark judgments:

  • Restriction on Internet and Fundamental Rights (Anuradha Bhasin v. Union of India, (2020) 3 SCC 637)

Speaker: Tahir Majid Shamsi – Assistant Solicitor General of India

  • Gender Equality in Hindu Property Law (Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma, (2020) 9 SCC 1)

Speakers: R Venkatramani – Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India &  Dr. Charu Mathur – Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India

Speakers: Ripudaman Bharadwaj – Central Government Standing Counsel & Adv. Vimal Kumar Shrivastava, Lucknow High Court.

  • Permanent Commission for Female Armed Forces Officers

(The Secretary, Ministry of Defence v. Babita Puniya, (2020) 7 SCC 469

Speakers: Aishwarya Bhati – Additional Solicitor General of India & Archana Pathak Dave – Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India

  • Prashant Bhushan Contempt Case

(In Re: Prashant Bhushan, 2020 SCC OnLine SC 698

Speakers: BV Acharya – Senior Advocate, Karnataka High Court & Adv. Namit Saxena – Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India

(Amit Sahni v. Commissioner of Police & Ors.)

Speakers: Pavan Duggal- Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India & Shiraz Quraishi – Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India

To Register: click HERE

Registration fees: 50/-

  Paytm No. 8076802450

For more Details contact:

Aastha Singh Rajput (Event Cordinator) : 8889370961, Razual Purewal (Event Co- Cordinator): 8591100039.


Along with the symposium we are also organizing National Case Comment Writing Competition; the event is aimed at promoting the importance of the analysis of judgments. This National Case Comment competition will enable the participants to know how these latest judgments have changed the overall course of justice. Think India is providing an opportunity for young legal minds to express their opinions on these important judgments in the form of case comment writing.

We, at Think India, take this opportunity of requesting you to associate with us for the event. The success of the earlier events has been phenomenal. We look forward to have you as our esteemed partner for the event.


    • Students pursuing LL.B., i.e., 3-year or 5-year course or LL.M from any recognized College or University or preparing for the judicial services
    • In Co-authorship, not more than 2 participants are allowed.


    • Last date of submission: 07th January 2021



In Re: Prashant Bhushan, 2020 SCC OnLine SC 698

Civil rights lawyer Mr. Prashant Bhushan was asked to pay 1 fine, imposed by the Supreme Court as punishment on him for committing criminal contempt with his tweets ‘scandalizing the court’. A review petition against the same has been filed.


The Secretary, Ministry of Defence V. Babita Puniya, (2020) 7 SCC 469

An absolute bar on women seeking criteria or command appointments; differentiation between two classes of persons, under the blanket of requirements and exigencies of a particular appointment sustainable under law or an attack to the guarantee of equality under Article 14.


Anuradha Bhasin v. Union Of India, (2020) 3 SCC 637

Whether freedom of speech & expression and freedom to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business over the Internet is a part of the fundamental rights? This case majorly focuses on the fundamental rights under part III of the Indian constitution and the restrictions therein.

The verdict by a Special CBI Court in Lucknow acquitted former Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani, former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Kalyan Singh, BJP leaders Murli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti, and several others in the Babri Masjid demolition case. The key takeaways from this case would relate to timeline-based study on the demolition of the mosque.


Vineeta Sharma v. Rakesh Sharma, (2020) 9 SCC 1

Exclusion of daughter from coparcenary – discriminatory, oppressive and negation of fundamental rights.

  • RIGHT TO PROTEST V. RIGHT TO MOBILITY: THE SHAHEEN BAGH CASE, Amit Sahni V. Commissioner of Police (2020) 10 SCC 439

Protests against legislation or communal conflict?

India, as we know it today, traces its foundation back to when the seeds of protest during our freedom struggle were sown deep, to eventually flower into a democracy. What must be kept in mind, however, is that the erstwhile mode and manner of dissent against colonial rule cannot be equated with dissent in a self- ruled democracy.


    • Word limit – Minimum 1200 words & Maximum 2000 words (including footnotes)
    • Format – MS Word; font – Times New Roman
    • Font size – 12 for text, 14 for Headings, 10 for footnotes
    • Page numbers – bottom center
    • The case comment must be written in English.
    • Line Spacing – 1.5 for text and 1.0 for footnotes
    • Alignment – Justified and layout must be A4 size
    • Margin – One inch each side
    • The citation methodology to be followed is Harvard Bluebook (19th Edition).
    • The submission must be original.
    • Plagiarism of any sort will lead to immediate disqualification.


    • E-certificates of participation will be provided to all the participants.
    • Best 15 entries shall be given Internship under Think India Vidhi Internship Program.

To Register: HERE 

Registration fees: 50/- Paytm No. 8076802450

Submission Link: HERE 

For more information, contact:

Shashank Singh (In-Charge, Think India Delhi) – 9005670656 Aastha Singh Rajput (Event Coordinator) – 8889370961 thinkindiadelhi@gmail.com

One comment

  • India has the potential to become the superpower of the world,99.99, many people are appointed as judges of the Subordinate Courts to interpret the law without legal education, training, skill and without legal mind, these people are officer who harass, humiliate, degrade the public. Simple cases which can be resolved in a minute are never resolved. The present article is a world-class scholarly article. The looters and the shooters are destroying the reputation of India, the law and order are not respected in India. The Global population in 2021 looks at India as an uncivilized and troubled nation. I am a UP NRI residing in Canada since 1975, I submit my opinion on the basis of worldly experience.
    Respectfully Submitted
    Ramesh Mishra

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