Around 2100 women advocates have written to the Chief Justice of India and other judges of the Supreme Court, drawing their attention towards the constitutional crisis and deplorable condition of the citizens residing in the State of West Bengal due to the post poll violence continuing since 02.05.2021.

Highlighting that the perpetrators of violence have not even spared women and children, the letter states that,

“The police is hand in gloves with the goons and the victims are not in a position to even register their complaints. There is a complete breakdown of the constitutional machinery in the State. Even the media is silent for past few days and not showing the true and current picture of the State of West Bengal.”

2093 women advocates from across the nation, joined the cause in a short spell of about 60 hours. By way of the letter, the advocates prayed before the judges to,

  1. Take cognizance of the matter and constitute a Special Investigation Team to register FIRs and investigate into the deaths and other vengeful attacks as being reported in news;
  2. Direct a nodal officer to be appointed (not belonging to West Bengal Police) to register the complaints of the victims;
  3. Direct court monitored investigation in a time bound manner, trial by specially constituted fast track court wherever charge sheet is filed by the SIT regarding cases emanating from the post poll violence in the State of West Bengal;
  4. Issue Directions that all post poll violence victims/family members may be duly compensated for death /injuries, loss of property etc. by the State of West Bengal;
  5. Director General of Police of the State of West Bengal may kindly be directed to set up an effective complaint mechanism at all levels on priority basis and to file a daily report before the Hon’ble Supreme Court, regarding the complaints received by Police Department from all channels;
  6. Direction may be issued to the Director General of Police of the State of West Bengal to provide full protection to the victims;
  7. Directions may be issued to all Commissions i.e National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Women, National Commission for protection of Child Rights, Commission of Scheduled Castes and
  8. Scheduled Tribes, National Commission for Backward classes to appoint competent nodal officers to record the statements of victims through virtual mode and contact numbers of those nodal officers be widely circulated

Photo credit: PTI

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