Madras High Court: The Division Bench of Sanjib Banerjee, CJ and P.D. Audikesavalu addressed a matter wherein direction was sought to widely spread public awareness about the scientifically proved truth on the subject of astrology and its serious impacts, in all Social media, TV, newspapers and in all other available means likely in manner of reaching and educating the poor and innocent parents present in every nook and corner of this state as not to spoil the career and lives of their innocent children merely on astrological superstition and to educate the innocent child and young couples in their right age in right manner.

Petitioner sought a writ of mandamus on respondent authorities to spread awareness that astrology may not be based on any science at all.

Bench stated that the matters of the present kind cannot be appropriately dealt with in Court. Even science in such regard is not complete or absolute.

No sooner was Pluto relegated from the status of a planet, than a distant planet appears to have been discovered that may not have encircled the Sun in course of the entire duration men have been gazing at the sky.

Court expressed that, there are some matters in which exact answers may not be available as the only known intelligent life form in the universe endeavours to grapple with the unknown.

 Lastly, the Bench held that the petitioner should be lauded for trying to orient citizens to a more scientific regime and shed superstitious beliefs, the Court cannot issue any direction of the kind sought and some amount of independence has to be given to the individual to believe, imagine and ponder over the same.

Adding to the above, High Court stated that the State in its parens patriae role may evolve a mechanism where citizens may be better informed and evil practices are given up. [A.K. Hemaraj v. Government of Tamil Nadu, 2021 SCC OnLine Mad 4920, decided on 27-08-2021]

Advocates before the Court:

For the Petitioner:  Mr A.K. Hemaraj Party-in-person

For the Respondents: Mr P. Muthukumar Counsel for State for R-1


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