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P&H HC | Is Aadhaar Card a firm proof of age? HC answers while granting protection to a couple who married against wishes of family

Punjab and Haryana High Court

Punjab and Haryana High Court

Punjab and Haryana High Court: Amol Rattan Singh, J., directed protection to couple who were facing threats after getting married against the wishes of their family.

Petitioners sought the protection of life and liberty as the petitioners had married each other against the wishes of the respondents.

Petitioners counsel had submitted that neither the petitioners were in any prohibited relationship to each other, nor any of them were married earlier.

Since the protection of life and liberty was a fundamental right of every citizen under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, without making any comment on the validity of marriage, Court disposed of the petition directing respondents 2 and 3 to ensure that the lives and liberty of the petitioners are not put to any harm or threat.

Bench stated that there was no firm proof of age of either the petitioners other than their Aadhar Cards, which was actually not a firm proof of age.

High Court added to its decision that, if any of the petitioners are found to be below the marriageable age in terms of the provisions of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, this order shall not be construed to be a bar on any proceedings initiated under that Act, the offences committed under that Act being cognizable in terms of Section 15.[Navdeep Singh v. State of Punjab, CRWP -7832 of 2021, decided on 7-09-2021]

Advocates before the Court:

Mr Karandeep S. Sidhu, Advocate, for the petitioners.

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