Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) 

AFT denies grant of any relief to the person invalidated from service due to Alcohol Dependence Syndrome

“All efforts are made by military doctors and the organization to help a soldier who has become a victim of ‘Alcohol Dependence Syndrome’ and only when all efforts fail the soldier is invalided out on ground of ‘Alcohol Dependence Syndrome”.

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Is hypertension a disability attributable to or aggravated by Military Service? Will Invalidation make one entitled to disability pension? Tribunal decides

The Division Bench of Justice Umesh Chandra Srivastava and Vice Admiral Abhay Raghunath Karve, Member (A) granted disability pension to the person invalidated from service due to Hypertension.

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Where lesser age is recorded in school certificate than the actual age; correct date of birth will be the one recorded by the parents in service records

 Resolving a date of birth related controversy, the Division Bench of Justice Umesh Chandra Srivastava and Vice Admiral Abhay Raghunath Karve, Member (A) stated,

“If we take date of birth recorded in educational certificate of the applicant as correct i.e. 05-07-1992 and date of birth in respect of his younger brother being 20-02-1992 as per service records, one can imagine as to how it could be possible that an elder brother comes to this world later than his younger brother.”

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Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT)

 When subjective satisfaction of dispensing with the inquiry is not supported by any independent material, dispensing with holding the inquiry would be illegal

 “If a preliminary inquiry could be conducted, there may not be any reason as to why formal departmental inquiry could not have been initiated against the delinquent.”

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Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Competition Watchdog | Know why CCI imposed penalties on beer companies: Nation-wide Cartel? Read Full Report

 “No distinction in the Act, for the purposes of assessment of anti-competitive conduct, is made between the end-consumers, and intermediaries falling in the supply chain.” 

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Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

CBI | Does not find any fault in the coda but questions the agenda | Accepts CBI’s closure report but questions the investigation

Shivank Singh, Special Judicial Magistrate (CBI), while accepting the closure report questioned the delayed investigation by the premier investigation agency of the country. While accepting closure report, the Court stated,

“It may be noted that the collective and cogent evidence/ material gathered by CBI is enough to settle the fact that the allegations of complainant against her father and 26 other accused could not be substantiated”.

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Cremation of rights could not burn Justice on pyre | Lambasted UP Police for ‘shoddy investigation’, orders for further investigation

 “…it may be noted that there are many lapses on the part of UP Police which has hauled this case with open ends. This court is in deep pain to note that due to such lapses, the parents and family of the deceased did not even get a chance to see the dead body of the deceased or to perform the last rites of their late son”.

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Customs, Excise and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT)

When road construction is exempt; is every activity exempt relating to the road construction including consulting engineer services? Tribunal answers 

This Tribunal has held in other disputed cases that even the barricade provided on the side of highway, maintaining greenery on the side or middle of highway, construction of any facility, refreshment centre for road users, is also part of the road construction and such activity is also exempt. Even the administrative building constructed by the concessionaire, for construction of the road or highway for administration and collection of toll etc. is part of road.

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Recourse to revocation should be taken in extreme circumstances only and not in respect of violations for which there are other provisions to deal with them; Tribunal partly allows appeal

The Division Coram of Sulekha Beevi C.S. (Judicial Member) and P. Anjani Kumar (Technical Member) partly allowed an appeal which was filed assailing an impugned order by which the appellant customs broker’s licence was revoked on the grounds of contravention of Regulations 10(b), 10(d) and (10)(n) of the Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations, 2018; security deposit was forfeited and penalty was also imposed. 

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Amount claimed as refund already debited in Returns, whether there would be entitlement for refund under Rule 5 of CCR, 2004? Tribunal answers

P Dinesha (Judicial Member) allowed an appeal in which the Tribunal had to decide whether the appellant was entitled to refund under Rule 5 of CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004 (CCR).

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Whether the services provided by subsidiary company to its parent company in a foreign country could be treated as export of services? Tribunal answers

 Anil Choudhary (Judicial Member) allowed the appeals which were filed against the common Order-in-Appeal which dealt with the issue as to whether the services provided by the appellant to its parent company in Hong Kong, could be treated as export of services, and if the answer was in affirmative, whether the refund of amount paid under mistake of law by treating such export of services, as taxable service, could be denied by the revenue.

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Whether refund claim under R. 5 of CCR can be rejected on the ground that appellant did not debit amount of refund claimed at the time of filing refund claim, but have debited such amount subsequent to the filing of refund claim but before adjudication?

Anil Choudhary (Judicial Member) allowed an appeal which was filed bearing the issue as to whether the refund claim under Rule 5 of Cenvat Credit Rules read with Notification No.27/2012-CE (NT) can be rejected on the ground that the appellant did not debit the amount of refund claimed at the time of fling the refund claim, but have debited such amount subsequent to the filing of the refund claim but before adjudication.

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If two reasonable constructions of a taxing provision are possible, that construction which favours the assessee must be adopted; Appeal allowed

When there is a reasonable interpretation of a legal and factual situation, which is favourable to the assessee, such an interpretation is to be adopted.

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National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)

Deducing from the acts and the tactics of the corporate debtor failing the test of legality, initiates CIRP

The Coram of Ashok Kumar Borah, Judicial Member, and Shyam Babu Gautam, Technical Member while allowing the company petition, ordered for initiation of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP). The Bench stated that,

“The Operational Creditor has successfully demonstrated and proved the debt and default in this case and has also proved that there is absolutely no reason for the Corporate Debtor to hold on to the payment of the invoices”.

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Debit acknowledged in emails, CIRP initiated resultantly-Appoints IRPM and declares moratorium

The Coram of P.S.N Prasad, Judicial Member and Narender Kumar Bhola,  Technical Member were inclined to allow the process of CIRP, considering the debt acknowledged by the corporate debtor.

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National Company Law and Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT)

NCLAT| Finds raising a late ‘pre-existing dispute’, spurious and to avoid action under IBC| Denies to stay CIRP 

The Coram of Justice Jarat Kumar Jain and Alok Srivastava, Technical Member while deciding an appeal denied to put a stay on the CIRP proceedings. The Tribunal was of the opinion that the alleged ‘pre-existing-dispute’ was raised at such a late stage even though it was a spurious dispute, only with an intention to avoid action under IBC. The Tribunal further made it clear that the order will not have any effect on the final outcome.

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Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

SEBI | Monotonous modus operandi, modulated endgame |Issue of GDR, artificial arrangement, supported by the subscribing Company itself-Restrained and to disgorge

“It appears that the whole series of GDR issues by several listed companies in India was an act orchestrated by Arun Panchariya to reap benefits by sitting on the other side of the issuance and subscribing to the GDRs through an arrangement with Vintage. The respective Indian companies have also apparently participated in such schemes. Accordingly, as brought in the foregoing paragraphs, in view of the repetitive nature of such acts along with the gravity of the offences that have been perpetrated by Arun Panchariya, I am of the considered opinion that stern measures need to be taken against him and his connected entities”. 

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“Pandya ka Sauda” turns out to be the “Aakhri Sauda” for anchor and 5 other entities for the fraudulent trade activity-Ex parte interim order

 The balance of convenience is to impose suitable directions against the aforesaid entities so as to maintain a level playing field in the market for the general investors. If an ex-parte order is passed, what is at stake is right of the current entities herein vis-a-vis multitude of investors in the market. It may be noted that one of the underlying differences between the ex-parte orders in the case of private suits and ex-parte public enforcement actions, is the identification of the injured party. In private damage suits, the injured individual, as “whole”, is identifiable whereas ex-parte public enforcement actions, seek to protect the floating multitude of investing public by preventing, continuous and imminent violations of the securities laws.

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GDR| Catches the principal architect in activation & orchestration of the fraudulent scheme –Leaves one being ‘under liquidation’, rest restrained from accessing the market

G Mahalingam, Whole Time Member, restricted the entities from the securities market, involved in the fraudulent issuance of GDRs without appropriate disclosures.

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Calibrated efforts cancelling out the chance of coincidence of matching trades in illiquid scrip does not go scot free-Restricted from the market for manipulation

 Madhabi Puri Buch, Whole Time Member, while exercising powers under Section 19 read with Sections 11(1), 11(4) and 11B (1) and 11B(2) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 restricted the Noticees involved in manipulation of the scrip.

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