The guidelines on LEI stand extended to Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs). The non-individual borrowers enjoying aggregate exposure of ₹5 crores and above from banks and financial institutions (FIs) shall be required to obtain LEI codes as per the timeline.

Timeline for obtaining LEI by borrowers

Total Exposure LEI to be obtained on or before
Above ₹25 crore April 30, 2023
Above ₹10 crore, up to ₹25 crore April 30, 2024
₹5 crore and above, up to ₹10 crore April 30, 2025

What does the term exposure mentioned above mean?

“Exposure” for this purpose shall include all fund based and non-fund based (credit as well as investment) exposure of banks/FIs to the borrower. Aggregate sanctioned limit or outstanding balance, whichever is higher, shall be reckoned for the purpose. Lenders may ascertain the position of aggregate exposure based on information available either with them, or CRILC database or declaration obtained from the borrower.

Borrowers who fail to obtain LEI codes from an authorized Local Operating Unit (LOU) shall not be sanctioned any new exposure nor shall they be granted renewal/enhancement of any existing exposure. However, Departments/Agencies of Central and State Governments (not Public Sector Undertakings registered under Companies Act or established as Corporation under the relevant statute) shall be exempted from this provision.

Reserve Bank of India

[Notification dt. 21-4-2022]

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