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Finance ministry undertakes fund activities of IFSCA via IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022

On 19th April, 2022, Ministry of Finance introduced International Financial Services Centres Authority (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022. These regulations aim to define powers of the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) in respect of fund management which will be applicable from 2nd May, 2022.

Key features-

Broadly, under Chapter III of the Regulation, any Entity has to launch a scheme with prior permission of Board of Directors to meet the basic requirements of Fund Management. There are three categories under which the schemes may be launched.

Venture Capital Schemes: Venture capital fund is an Alternative Investment Fund as referred under the Income Tax Act, 1961, the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. This launched through private placement filed in an open subscription by investors. They constitute maximum tenure in a close ended manner with minimum limit of 3 years. A SPV is functions through a segregated port folio which may undertake leverage as disclosed in the placement memorandum.

Restricted Schemes (Non-Retail Schemes): Non retail schemes invest in SME Funds, social venture funds, infrastructure funds, ESG Funds, Special Situation funds. The investors can less than a thousand. In a restricted scheme segregated portfolios shall, in no circumstance, be on terms more favourable than those offered to the common portfolio of the restricted scheme.

Retails Schemes: It is a scheme under which the investors come together to pool in their money through an offer document within 12 months. Retail schemes shall have at least 20 investors with no single investor investing more than 25%. The FME will invest minimum of 1% of the AUM of the scheme or USD 200,000, within 45 days.

Special Situation Fund: Special situation fund shall be close ended and the minimum tenure of a special situation fund shall be 3 years. The tenures range between 2-3 Years, subject to the will of the investor to continue with the scheme. A special situation fund shall invest only in special situation assets (Para 54 of the Regulation).

    1. InvIT – It is mandatory investment in the infrastructure projects made in holdco and/ or SPVs or infrastructure projects or securities.
    2. REIT- It is investment through SPV/holdco which may invest in real estate assets, gvernemnt securities, cash and cash-equivalent items, etc.

(a) Securities issued by the unlisted entities;

(b) Securities listed or to be listed or traded on stock exchanges in IFSC, India or foreign jurisdictions;

(c) Money market instruments;

(d) Debt securities;

(e) Securitised debt instruments, which are either asset backed or mortgage-backed securities;

(f) Other investment schemes set up in the IFSC, India and foreign jurisdiction;

(g) Derivatives including commodity derivatives;

(h) Units of mutual funds and alternative investment funds in India and foreign jurisdiction;

(i) Investment in Limited Liability Partnerships;

(j) Physical assets such as real estate, bullion, art, etc.; or

(k) Such other securities or financial product /assets or instruments as specified by the Authority.

*Shubhi Srivastava, Editorial Assistant has reported this brief.

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