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Railway doubling project on Karnataka-Goa route antithesis to biodiversity and ecology; Supreme Court revokes approval for railway doubling in Western Ghats 

Supreme Court: In an important case regarding environment Law the 3-judge Bench comprising L. Nageswara Rao, B. R. Gavai and Aniruddha Bose, JJ., revoked the approval granted by the Standing Committee of NBWL for doubling the railway line between Castlerock to Kulem. The Court remarked,  

“…in case of doubt, protection of environment would have precedence over the economic interest.” 

Factual Backdrop  

The instant case relates to the recommendation made by the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) for wildlife clearance for doubling of 26 km stretch of the railway line in Western Ghats from Castlerock in Karnataka to Kulem in Goa passing through Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary, subject to fulfilling certain conditions.  

The proposal is for doubling the existing railway line on the land involving 120.875 hectares of land within protected area and 113.857 hectares of land in non-protected area reserved forest 7.018 hectares.  

The recommendation of NBWL was assailed by Goa Foundation before the Central Empowered Committee (CEC) for being in violation of the order passed by the Supreme Court on 05-10-2015. The Goa Foundation contended that the project involves diversion of significant area of forest land and sanctuary land and would entail further destruction of the Sanctuary/National Park and wildlife. Further, a large number of trees will have to be felled within the Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and also, the integrity of the protected area and wildlife sanctuary would be severely affected. The Goa Foundation also contended before the CEC that assessment of proper impact on wildlife habitat and biodiversity was never carried out before NBWL approved the project. 

Pertinently, western ghats eco-system which is one of world’s eight hotspots, which spreads across 9 National Tiger Reserves, 20 National Parks and about 68 Wildlife Sanctuaries and the landscape forms one of the largest and most contiguous Protected Area networks in the country.  

CEC Recommendation  

The CEC recommended revocation of the permission granted by the Standing Committee for NBWL for doubling the railway line passing through the ecologically sensitive Western Ghats from Tinaighat-Castlerock in Karnataka to Kulem in Goa as such permission was in violation of the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and the order dated 05-10-2015. 

Noticing that the proposed railway doubling line is parallel to the existing railway line which passes through same forest along the same corridor, the CEC was of the opinion that the additional line is not likely to add either to the turnaround time of the train or loco or to the speed of the train. Therefore, the CEC recommended that the permission granted by the Standing Committee of the NBWL should be revoked, some of the reasons cited by the CEC were as following: 

Analysis and Findings 

Relying on Vellore Citizens’ Welfare Forum v. Union of India, (1996) 5 SCC 647, the Court stated that the ‘Precautionary Principle’ is an essential feature of the principle of ‘Sustainable Development’. The principle of precaution involves the anticipation of environmental harm and taking measures to avoid it or to choose the least environmentally harmful activity. The Court reiterated that in case of doubt, protection of the environment would have precedence over the economic interest. 

Available Alternatives  

Rejecting the Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.’s (RVNL) contention that there is a likelihood that the requirement of coal and other raw materials would be doubled in the future, the Court, affirming the views taken by CEC stated that the requirement of coal can be met by utilising the Krishnapatnam port which is a viable alternative for transportation of coal.  

The Court opined that the CEC was right in its conclusion that the proposal for the doubling of the railway line should be revoked for the following reasons:  

“In view of the difficult terrain having sharp curves and gradient as high as 1:37 for the proposed project, any further construction would invite a great disaster in the sensitive areas of Western Ghats as well.”  

Further, RVNL has also proposed to construct under-passes/overbridges at identified locations of track crossings by wild animals to ensure safe crossings of tracks by animals, however, in its report, the CEC submitted that it was noticed during the site visit that it was not possible to construct any sort of under-passes at the said location. 

Directions to RVNL  

The Court noted that the landscape in which the railway line is proposed connects the three States of Goa, Karnataka, and Maharashtra, however, there was no viability report regarding Goa part. The Court expressed, 

“The Standing Committee of NBWL ought to have sought for a report from NTCA on the Goa part of the project before granting approval for the doubling of the railway line between Castlerock to Kulem in view of the fact that it is an important tiger corridor where instances of killing of tigers have been reported.”  

Affirming the recommendations made by the CEC regarding the necessity of taking into account the actual loss of the wildlife habitat by the construction activity for the doubling of the railway line for which heavy machinery would have to be moved and crusher units will have to be established for dumping construction material, the Court made following directs to RVNL:  


For the foregoing reasons, the Court upheld the conclusion of the CEC and revoked the approval granted by the Standing Committee of NBWL for doubling the railway line between Castlerock to Kulem.  

However, the Court granted RVNL liberty to carry out a detailed analysis on the impact of the proposed project on the biodiversity and ecology of the protected areas under the wildlife sanctuary and submit a fresh proposal to the Standing Committee of NBWL which shall be considered in accordance with law.  

[T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Union of India, 2022 SCC OnLine SC 583, decided on 09-05-2022]  

Kamini Sharma, Editorial Assistant has put this report together

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