On June 21, 2022, SEBI has modified operational guidelines for Foreign Portfolio Investors and Designated depository participants and Eligible Foreign Investors to which the payment is to be done electronically. This shall come into force on June 24, 2022. which specifies Bank account details for remittance of various payment of various SEBI fees in US $.
The ‘Operational Guidelines for Foreign Portfolio Investors, Designated Depository Participants and Eligible Foreign Investors’, inter-alia, specifies Bank account details for remittance of various payment of various SEBI fees in US $. In order to facilitate faster confirmation of remittances by the intermediaries, necessary arrangement has been made for foreign inward remittances in the following bank namely:
Name of the Bank Account Securities and Exchange Board of India
Name of Bank, Branch ICICI Bank Ltd. Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400051
Bank Account No. 055501001994
IFSC Code ICIC0000555
MICR Code No. 400229029