Central Government Notification

The Central Government has notified Central Motor Vehicles (Twelfth Amendment) Rules, 2022 to amend the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

Key points:

  • Vehicles manufactured on and after the 1st day of April 2016 shall comply with Bharat Stage-IV emission norms for two and three wheeler.
  • For the purpose of granting type approval to the vehicle fitted with a CNG (natural gas) kit, performance tests shall be carried out.
  • Vehicles shall meet all the safety requirements as per AIS 024, AIS-028 Revision 1 as applicable.
  • Type approvals for vehicles retrofitted with CNG kits shall be valid for three years from the date of issue of such approval and shall be renewed for every three years at a time.
  • Type approval for vehicles retrofitted or modified for CNG operation shall be given for vehicles of specific make and such kit shall be considered fit for retrofitment in any vehicle within a specified range of engine capacity of cc within a range of ± 7% tolerance for vehicles up to 1500 cc & ± 5% above 1500 cc.
  • Real world driving cycle emission measurement using Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) shall be carried out for data collection for three years from the date of notification for the computation of Conformity factor (CF).
  • Engine power shall be measured on engine dynamometer as per procedures prescribed in AIS 137 as amended from time to time. Measured power with CNG shall be within a range of -15% ≤ Power on CNG ≤ +5% w.r.t the power measured on gasoline and the power test can be performed, on request of the manufacturer, on the complete vehicle on a chassis dynamometer. The engine power shall be calculated as the sum of the power measured at wheels and the transmission losses of the vehicle.

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