Centre for women and child, NLU Visakhapatnam, is inviting for a Two day National Seminar on “Live-in-Relationship”: Impact on Family Laws in India 

About NLU Visakhapatnam  

The University offers a 5 year integrated B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Degree and one year LL.M. program, Ph.D. and LL. D research programs. 

About the Centre 

The Centre aims to serve the needs of the domestic society. The main objective of the Centre is to research on the intricate strands that bind: Women, Children and Law. In a society where women and children have been legally and socially disadvantaged, it is important for law to function as a safeguard for them. 

About the National Seminar   

The legality of live-in relationships in India is quite muzzled. It finds roots in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. The right and freedom of choice to either marry or have a live-in relationship with an individual is one’s own will, thus emerging from their inalienable fundamental right. Still, it is debatable issue in India and there is a dire need to relook into the concept of Live-in Relationship and its impact on Family Laws in India and this two Day National Seminar is an endeavour in this direction and its aim is to facilitate articulation of views, ideas, electrifying initiatives and suggestions from all the stakeholders.


Research-based papers/articles are invited from academicians, practitioners and scholars from the field of law and related areas.

Co- authorship is permitted upto two members. 

Themes & Sub Themes

Theme-I: Live-in Relationship & Culture: 

  • Matrimonial Relationship versus Live-in Relationship

  • Live-in Relationship: Impact on Indian Culture & Tradition

  • Live-in Relationship: Dignity & Personal Liberty of Women

  • Live-in Relationship: Dimensions under Indian Constitution

  • Live-in Relationship: Effect on marriage & family institutions in India

  • Live- in Relationship in Indian socio-economic and legal context

  • Social & Psychological factors lead to Live-in Relationship

  • Live- in Relationship: Interfaith issues 

Theme II: Live-in Relationship & Women: 

  • Status and Security of Women in Live-in Relationships

  • Live-in Relationship: Crimes/Violence against Women

  • Live-in Relationship: Succession Rights of Women

  • Aftermath Live-in Relationship: Legal status & Rights of Women

  • Live-in Relationship: Need of Legislation for the protection of Women 

Theme III: Live-in Relationship & Children

  • Well-being of Children born out of Live-in Relationship

  • Live-in Relationship: Violence against Children

  • Live-in Relationship: Inheritance Rights of Children

  • Aftermath Relationship: Guardianship & Custody of Children Theme IV: Legality of Live-in Relationship

  • Live-in Relationship: Legal Framework in India

  • Live-in Relationship and Indian Judiciary

  • The Concept of Live-in Relationship and International Scenario

  • Live-in Relationship in India: Issues & Challenges

Important Dates: 

Last date for submission of abstract (500 words abstract including keywords) : 23 January 2023 

Communication of acceptance: 03 February 2023 

Last date for submission of full paper (4000-6000 words): 23 February 2023

Seminar dates: 11th & 12th March 2023 

Submissions shall be mailed toseminarlnr2023@dsnlu.ac.in

Submission Guidelines:

  • All submissions must be made in Word Format (.doc)/ (docx). 

  • The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, size 12 with 1.5 spacing. 

  • The Bluebook (20th ed.) is to be followed for the citation format.

  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10 font size and single spacing 

Registration Fees 

Academicians/Legal practitioners/ Judicial officers: Rs.1500/- 

Students/Research Scholars: Rs. 800/- 

Foreign delegates: $100

The Registration fee is payable to Registrar, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Union Bank of India, Sabbavaram, A/C NO: 283710100024089, IFSC
CODE: UBIN0828378.

Accommodation: Moderate limited shared accommodation on first come first serve basis (Rs.500/- per day).

To know more click on Live- in Relationship National Seminar Brochure

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