The NLIU – Legal Aid Clinic (“LAC”), which is driven by the ethos of Article 39A of the Indian Constitution, is a student-run initiative established under the aegis of the National Legal Service Authority. It aims to provide pro bono legal representation and advice to the weak and downtrodden.


We started Project Saarthi as an initiative to empower the impoverished, particularly victims of domestic violence and mental harassment, in the midst of the pandemic and lockdown when there was a surge in such cases, to promote our mission of delivering uninterrupted pro-bono legal assistance. A dedicated helpline was established in order to maintain a direct channel of communication with such victims and provide prompt assistance.

The initiative is divided into three segments:

1) Legal Assistance: Dedicated to the administration of civil and criminal affairs in general, with a special emphasis on domestic abuse cases.

2) Mediation: Aimed at providing online mediation and other ADR services by certified mediators.

3) Mental Health Counselling: Aimed at providing free counseling by professional psychologists.

LAC has provided legal assistance to over 80 cases in past academic years and is simultaneously providing assistance to a number of cases in the present academic year as well. The matters comprised of domestic violence, property disputes, execution of will and bail applications among others. In all the cases, paralegals from LAC provided mediation, answered queries, and provided legal assistance.

This Academic year, LAC is operating the project in a hybrid mode with the Legal Aid Clinic situated on the campus of NLIU serving as a Physical/Offline place of contact along with the existing online mode of operation.

LAC has also released instructive posters on social media to raise awareness as part of the project, with the support of practicing lawyers, legal scholars, and psychologists.

To know more about Project Saarthi and LAC, Call us at

Saarthi Helpline Number: +91 8104979736

And for further information, please visit our Social media pages:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nliulac/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lac_nliu?lang=en

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lac_nliu/?hl=en

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/legal-aid-clinic-nliu-bhopal/?originalSubdomain=in

You may also contact the undersigned for any additional assistance:

Payal Dubey

Convener | Legal Aid Clinic

Class of 2023, B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

National Law Institute University, Bhopal

✆ +91 6265-292-486

Gaargi Singh

Co-Convener | Legal Aid Clinic

Class of 2023, B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

National Law Institute University, Bhopal

✆ +91 9426-336-531

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