call for papers - slr forum
The SLR Forum accepts contributions (800-2500 words) on a rolling basis on any issue of socio-legal relevance in South Asia.

Submission Guidelines for SLR Forum

About the Socio-Legal Review Forum (SLR Forum)

Ever since it was founded in 2005, SLR has been striving to enrich the academic discourse on the intersection between law and society. To enable us to respond to current events with the immediacy that they require, the SLR Forum was launched as a companion to the print journal. The mandate of the Forum, much like the journal, is to cover all current issues of socio-legal importance in South Asia.

Submission Guidelines

The SLR Forum invites contributions in the following categories –

  1. Responses to articles in the print journal or previous articles published in the SLR Forum

  2. Comments on contemporary legal developments

  3. Articles on topics of socio-legal relevance

Articles for the Forum can be between 800-2,500 words. Co-authorship of up to three authors is allowed. All contributions must be made in a .doc or .docx format. The contributions must necessarily be accompanied with the author’s byline in a separate document of not more than 50 words. All personal details identifying the author must be removed from the main manuscript.

For formatting and citation guidelines, please refer to SLR’s style guide.


Contributions to the SLR Forum must be mailed to, with the subject ‘Submission for SLR Forum’, in a .doc or .docx format. We will revert to you with our decision in 2 weeks after receiving your submission.

Timeline and Procedure

We accept contributions to the SLR Forum on a rolling basis. SLR strives to ensure a speedy and efficient review process. We follow a system of two rounds of review by the Editorial Board for publication in the SLR Forum. Authors should be prepared to make suitable changes to their articles as required by the Editorial Board before publication.

Conditions of Publication

Please note that submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned or rejected. While we strive to provide substantive feedback for every submission we receive, it may not always be possible to do so, given the large number of submissions. We reserve the right to reject submissions without providing substantive feedback.

Please note that, in the event that a contribution submitted to SLR Forum has been submitted and accepted by any other Journal or online platform, the author must withdraw their contribution from SLR Forum. If SLR Forum accepts the contribution first, the author must withdraw it from all other Journals and online platforms. Failure to do so will lead to removal of the piece from consideration for publication in the SLR Forum. Please note that SLR Forum does not allow cross-posting of articles.

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