essay writing competition

The Law and Technology Society (“L-Tech”) of the National Law School of India University (“NLSIU”) along with The Dialogue (one of India’s leading law-policy think tanks) is hosting an essay writing competition.

Theme: Privacy and Data Protection Regulation

India’s data protection landscape has evolved tremendously since the apex court declared privacy a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution in the Puttaswamy I. There have been four iterations of the data protection bill in India, with the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022 (DPDPB 2022) marking the recent edition. The DPDPB 2022 sets obligations for data fiduciaries and significant data fiduciaries, safeguards Children’s data, vests rights to individuals, allows cross-border data transfers, outlines exemptions from the bill, contour for setting up Data Protection Board, imposes financial penalties and proposes grievance management system etc.

Against this backdrop, to create a flare of research and academic writing, on topics related to India’s data protection landscape, The Dialogue in collaboration with the Law & Technology Society of National Law School of India University is excited to invite students across all streams to participate in a National Essay Competition on Privacy and Data Protection Regulation in India.

In addition to the exciting prizes for the winners, all participants shall get an opportunity to interact with the eminent jury members entailing leading stalwarts on #Tech law & policy during the valedictory of the competition.

Indicative Themes:

  1. Analysing Cross-border Data Transfers

  2. Securing Children’s Personal Data

  3. Institutionalisation of the Data Protection Board

  4. Criminal Investigations and Privacy

Please note that these themes are merely indicative, and participants are free to pick any topic from the broader theme of privacy and data protection regulation.


Students/Scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/PhD course in any Indian University.

Submission Guidelines

Citation: As per the standards of OSCOLA fourth edition

Word Limit: Minimum 4000 words, inclusive of citations.

Co-authorship: A maximum of two authors are permitted.

Late date registration: 31 May 2023

Late date for submission: 15 July 2023


1st Place: INR 25,000

2nd Place: INR 15,000

3rd Place: INR 10,000

The top 10 entries shall all receive certificates of merit.

Registration Fee

Fee: Rs. 300/-

Payment Link:

All participants must register through the google form linked here.

Please address all queries at Looking forward to an excellent response!

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