allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court noted that last year, the Trial Court convicted Kamlesh Pawan and six others for protesting against the arrest of Akhilesh Yadav and attempting to burn the statue of the then UP Chief Minister, Mayawati.

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appointment of judges
Hot Off The PressNews

The two Supreme Court collegium resolutions were passed on 02-05-2023.

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allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court said that the Magistrate is not bound in such a situation to follow the procedure laid down in Sections 200 and 202 of CrPC for taking cognizance of a case under Section 190(1)(a), though, it is open to him to act under Section 200 or Section 202 also.

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madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Madras High Court allowed Advantage Strategic Consulting Singapore Private Limited, a foreign company to proceed with the defamation case against renowned politician and economist Dr. Subramanian Swamy

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article 142 of indian constitution
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Given the expansive amplitude of power under Article 142(1) of the Constitution, the exercise of power must be legitimate, and clamours for caution, mindful of the danger that arises from adopting an individualistic approach as to the exercise of the Constitutional power, observed the Supreme Court

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allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court said that the FIR has been lodged by the grandmother of the accused and she is not an eyewitness. The other witnesses are also not the eyewitnesses in the instant matter and only on hearsay basis, the bail of the accused has been rejected.

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irretrievable breakdown of marriage
Hot Off The PressNews

The Supreme Court also held that the mandatory waiting period of 6 months for divorce by mutual consent can be dispensed subject to requirements and conditions laid down in previous Supreme Court judgments.

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madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Madras High Court said that there is no reason why the complaint was not filed either before IBBI or NCLT for the alleged fraud.

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allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Women or girl raped is not an accomplice and to insist on corroboration of the testimony, amounts to insult to womanhood.

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madras high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

This order will not stand in the way of the Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Justice K.Kannan (Retd.) to enquire into the matter as per the terms of reference and there will also be no fetters on the law enforcing agency from proceeding with the investigation in accordance with law.

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allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court reiterated that a statute should be read and understood according to its plain grammatical meaning, unless that construction leads to an absurd result, or defeats the object and the very purpose of it

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latest judgement of supreme court on res judicata
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court said that before examining the defendants’ ground of res judicata to oppose the eviction petition, several aspects may have to be looked into, like whether such an issue was substantively at issue in the previous suit and similar such other questions may crop up.

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validity of unstamped arbitration agreement
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The practice of dissent in judicial decision-making process plays a critical role in revealing constitutional commitment to deliberative democracy. Allowing judges to express differing views and engage in a dialogue about the law and its interpretation can potentially lead to a more nuanced and refined understanding of the law, as the Court grapples with competing interpretations and seeks to reconcile them in a principled manner.

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allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court said that in the eye of law, wife and husband have separate entity. The present case is not a case that the wife, sole proprietor of the Firm had provided the cheque signed by or on behalf of the applicant

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pre-reference jurisdiction of high court
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The limited scope of judicial scrutiny at the pre-referral stage is navigated through the test of a ‘prima facie review’

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Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Five-Judge Bench of Supreme Court in 3:2 majority approved paragraphs 22 and 29 of Garware Wall Ropes case, and to this extent, also approved Vidya Drolia case.

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change in law
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court has requested the Union of India along with Ministry of Power to evolve a mechanism so as to ensure timely payment by the DISCOMS to the Generating Companies, which would avoid huge carrying cost to be passed over to the end consumers.

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adani power
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court opined that it is unjust on the part of Haryana Utilities to say that 70% of the installed capacity should be further bifurcated and the Change in Law benefit should be restricted only to 70% of the installed capacity.

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Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Section 17(4) of the National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 very specifically states that if any degree is granted by a College, which had admitted students during the period when the College suffered from withdrawal of recognition or affiliation, then such a degree or certificate cannot be treated as a valid qualification for the purpose of employment.

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Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court said that the facts of this case are not only shocking but show the mindset of male persons that when a woman has not conceived for many years, the only fault is of the women and not of men and for that women are subject to occultist rituals. It is a curse for society that such rituals are still prevailing in 21st Century.

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